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Everything posted by Guru

  1. lmao, this has happened to me so many times
  2. Yeah.... Victor Cruz is a scrub... yeah
  3. Lmao, he's getting on Michael Smith. He just called him a half breed bahahaha
  4. I feel like Newports have a smoother pull than other menthol brands. But if you don't like menthol you won't like Newports lol
  5. The majority of Newport smokers are probably black... not going to deny that. It's just like when I see someone smoking Reds, I think wow this dudes a hillbilly.
  6. Tried it once, didn't like it. I'll stick to my Newports.
  7. http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8445/lavy.png + http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7978/landryk.png
  8. If Ammo gets hot.... everyone else has 0 chance of winning this
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKyWjp6_mCk This just reminded me of this video..It never gets old lolol
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIiC_-nM9Yg
  11. Except the reasons you listed go in reverse order if you were to list why he is getting so much attention. Pretty sad to see one minority degrading another. Mayweather has to feel stupid as [expletive] now after the shit Lin pulled tonight.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QY3kDgz9gA
  13. Bahahaha @ the ref acting all hard when Chandler touched him I swear some of the refs this year have been douches
  14. Lmao... Amare just moved out of the way for Demar... terrible D
  15. Amare's 2 for 9 from the field... the rust shows
  16. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1329261056.png
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