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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Lin is so good driving with his left hand. I can't wait for this game... should be awesome
  2. Lmfao one of the comments on the article: "It's always smartest to heckle LeBron in the 4th qtr. He can't hit anything in the 4th." Seriously though, I can't blame LeBron for saying something back. If I was in his shoes I would have been locked up real quick for that shit.
  3. Good stuff. That Bryant McFadden sig looks familiar. What GFX sites did you used to post at?
  4. Who would start at the 3 then? Bill Walker? Lmao. I would wait and see how Melo plays with Lin before talking about trading him away.
  5. Better question: Is Otis Smith stupid enough to keep Dwight and watch him walk at the end of the season? As of now my answer is leaning towards yes.
  6. Congrats Nicki Minaj, that just might have been the worst performance in Grammy's history.
  7. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/Poker_Face.png
  8. lmao yeah its him vs him and jay-z
  9. Meh the songs/albums he's up against are just pathetic. http://www.grammy.com/nominees?year=2011&genre=28
  10. He's going to see a specialist tomorrow so we shall see after that.
  11. http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=vagina&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=0&smoothing=3 1880s must have been the shit
  12. You don't "coach" anything. Stop saying that.
  13. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz9niljtCX1r2q56co1_500.jpg
  14. Whoa?! So you claim to have coached others with less than 2-3 years of experience under your belt? Lmao. The bullshit is just piling up at this point
  15. Amazing. Another win for the Knicks without Amare and Melo.
  16. Rubio's really stepping it up here in the last couple of minutes.
  17. The Spurs still have the best execution in the NBA. Petro...yeah [expletive]ing scrub I can't wait until Lopez comes back so we don't look so damn lost on offense. -_-
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