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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Wtf is this.... a jump ball for the game lmao
  2. hahahaha now lebron misses wow
  3. Derrick Rose, the contortionist.
  4. Hahahahhha Lebron just VC'd Lucas.
  5. Damn, Rose with 2 quick fouls
  6. Eat some Blazin and Spicy Garlic wings for me
  7. Hard to say. Wade looked awesome on Friday vs the Knicks... I wouldn't be surprised if he went off this game.
  8. http://boards.giants.com/forums/21/2430762/ShowThread.aspx Somewhere in that thread.
  9. Pretty good. Maybe add some texture to the text. I like this a lot though, nice flow.
  10. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/jkiddmavcopy.png Lmao, I was going through some of my old stuff and found this one. Classic. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/vckvp2.png
  11. Whoa chill out the Nets are on a 2 game winning streak.
  12. [b]Type of artwork (sig, wall, avy):[/b] [b]Person/Team/etc to be included in the graphic:[/b] [b]Size:[/b] [b]Picture (optional):[/b] [b]Any other details (such as text, colors, etc.):[/b]
  13. Budden [expletive]ing rippeddddddd this shit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbURHv7P09s
  14. You can tell how much the Sixers missed Hawes on the glass. It is nice to see Deron have a great game for us though. I hope this game can improve our morale going forward.
  15. Brooks is out DWill just had a sick dunk though
  16. http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6914/aj86wrhceaagw09.jpg
  17. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwyd2e1u6N1qc3siio2_250.jpg
  18. Melo is one of the laziest defenders in the NBA. He is a decent on-ball defender but he constantly losses track of his man in off ball situations. Not to mention the fact that you will rarely see him rotate on defense. He's not a bad defender, but he is lazy as [expletive].
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