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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Besides the extremely poorly cut renders, I like this.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEHTTFOwsDs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbs7wWLXLpw
  3. Meh, he can play both SG and SF imo. I think he was more of an upgrade from Graham than anything else.
  4. I think it's up there with 102, possibly better. Doesn't touch 101 though.
  5. Yeah. Some people are saying they are adding depth in case we trade Morrow to Orlando as part of the Dwight deal. I'm not buying that but it does make sense. Either way, Stevenson is a huge upgrade from Graham.
  6. I like this pick up. We really needed help at SF and for a one year deal Stevenson is a solid pick up. Also, the Nets announced they waived small forward Stephen Graham. LOL, I remember when Jay-Z dissed him in a song.... that's going to be awkward haha
  7. And I'm pointing out that the Knicks STARTERS weren't exactly beating the Nets STARTERS. Lmao, Fish still salty about me calling him fat hahaha
  8. Lol, what am I supposed to let you talk out of your ass about my team? Shiiittt my bad.
  9. I don't recall anyone ever saying that the Nets were good.... Not to mention the entire rest of the game when the Knicks starters were in they didn't exactly blow the Nets out. It was tied most of the game. What's that say about the Knicks? LOL.
  10. Yeah man this shit is amazing. Each track is good, can't skip any of them.
  11. Whoever that is commentating with Clyde is such a Knicks homer it's hilarious to watch.
  12. Bhahahahaahaahhahahhha Hump's getting booed like crazy
  13. I like the energy Sheldon Williams is playing with. He might give Hump a run for the starting PF position.
  14. It will be much funnier if you figure it out by yourself rather than me just telling you haha
  15. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8374/tumblrlwfmw9lkar1qcmnso.png http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/8374/tumblrlwfmw9lkar1qcmnso.png http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8374/tumblrlwfmw9lkar1qcmnso.png
  16. lmfao hahaha "Free Shipping with Hedo Turkoglu"
  17. http://espn.go.com/n...oster-questions Very interesting read. I think Mike Mazzeo's answer to the most important player was right on the money. Our future does ride on what he can pull off THIS year.
  18. The award doesn't go to the best player in the NBA. (See Kobe in 2005-2006) MVP goes to the most valuable player. You can make the case that Lebron isn't even the most valuable player on the Heat. I'm not saying Lebron has no shot at winning the award because he has a great shot at winning it. But there is no reason that KD can't end up winning this award either.
  19. The best part about the video Mark Jackson's commentary. Man we had the best commentator duo in the NBA at one point
  20. http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2069/kevindurant.jpg
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