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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I don't know man. We NEED to win NOW if we want to keep D.Will in NJ. The more experienced weapons we have the better. If we don't make the playoffs this year.... we'll probably suck for another decade. Plus at this point money isn't much of an issue. We will be $33 million below the luxury tax and with the richest owner in all of sports the money shouldn't matter at all. I'm not saying we should sign Crawford to a long term deal but at this point he can still ball.
  2. In other news, Chris Broussard @@Chris_Broussard I would LOVE to have Crawford in NJ. One of my favorite players.
  3. I think the answer is yes but rarely. Only he knows the truth though. "its the first time I’m high its the first time I smoked in like 3 months I’m sorry mom I had to do it to ‘em"
  4. TV STAR. http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2009/specials/yearend/kardashians/khloe-kardashian-wedding-435.jpg
  5. Yeah, I'm not sure what to think right now. On one hand I don't think Billy King is dumb enough to tamper, but on the other hand maybe he is lol
  6. https://twitter.com/#!/nydninternets/status/145216782809038848 I sure hope the Magic have some solid proof because this would be nuts if they didn't.
  7. Dwight is publicly denying that they had a meeting according to SC.
  8. https://twitter.com/#!/wojyahoonba/status/14521234638046
  9. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/ekoapt Alex Kennedy (@AlexKennedyNBA) David Stern released this statement regarding the nixed Chris Paul trade: “Since the NBA purchased the New Orleans Hornets, final responsibility for significant management decisions lies with the Commissioner's Office in consultation with team chairman Jac Sperling. All decisions are made on the basis of what is in the best interests of the Hornets. In the case of the trade proposal that was made to the Hornets for Chris Paul, we decided, free from the influence of other NBA owners, that the team was better served with Chris in a Hornets uniform than by the outcome of the terms of that trade.”
  10. http://www.netsdaily.com/2011/12/9/2623906/bondy-nets-closing-in-on-nene
  11. Good thing I didn't get my hopes up on us getting Dwight hahaha
  12. Does anyone know if the Nets screwed themselves over? :lol: :lol:
  13. lol so stupid. Orlando isn't going to get a better deal I don't know why they are bitching.
  14. It's really sad how injuries have ruined his career. He was such a great player with a ton of potential.
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