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Everything posted by Guru

  1. LOLOL Rolling Stone is a credible HIP HOP source? OKAY.
  2. The difference is that you are comparing two great albums vs a great album in AG and a shitty one in encore. The ratings aren't even close for AG and Encore.
  3. Lol nice, go off topic because you realize that you are wrong. Good job pulling a ECN.
  4. Seriously you have to be one of the only people on this planet that would take Encore over American Gangster. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/2772-encore/ http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/10879-american-gangster/ http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/album-reviews/id.486/title.eminem-encore http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/album-reviews/id.868/title.jay-z-american-gangster ETC. I'm 100% sure that you can't find one review from a credible hip-hop source that rated Encore higher than American Gangster. Whatever though, I'm not surprised by your biased opinion at all.
  5. Lmao there are sooooo many branches on my front lawn. Thank god no trees fell on my street though.
  6. Hahahahahahaha you really just said that American Gangster wasn't a good album but Encore was?!?!? Thanks, I knew one of the fishys would come through.
  7. Anyone care to defend the shitty Eminem we had between 2003-2010? Because that would really give me a much needed laugh in this [expletive]ing hurricane.
  8. Holy shit I just heard that Kingda Ka at Six Flags fell!!
  9. http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1314502011-U12139.jpg
  10. Oh [expletive].... this bitch is hitting us hard right now. I don't expect to have power when I wake up tomorrow.
  11. He's top 10 for sure, you might even be able to make the case for top 5. But to put him above Rakim, Nas, KRS-One, Big Daddy Kane, Biggie, Pac is very questionable.
  12. This thread is so pointless to have on OTR. Almost everyone here thinks that Eminem is the GOAT, which is [expletive]ing hilarious. I'll probably get shit for saying this but we all know that it is true.
  13. Depands. If we are talking about entire careers I'm taking Jay-Z easily. But if we are talking about who was the best in his prime I'll take Em.
  14. So rain scares people in Cali but people in the Northeast who go through blizzards are pussies? Nice logic. As far as people bugging about the earthquake I agree it was dumb. But I remember when I was in LA a bunch of years back and it started snowing. Shit wasn't even sticking and people were pulled over to the side on the highway. I was just like wtf hahhahhaa. I just hope I don't lose power during this hurricane (which will probably happen). I'm going to be bored as [expletive].
  15. Not better than C3 at all imo. A few tracks bang but most are like... wtf. I'm feeling Megatron, Blunt Blowin, and So Special.. the rest is ehhh
  16. OMGGGG T2 out for the year [expletive]KKK[expletive][expletive][expletive]kkk
  17. Section 80, Random Axe, WTT, The Greatest Story Never Told... with Lost Tapes II, Cole World, TM103, and a few I'm probably missing still to come out. It's close but I'm going to have to wait to put this in the top 5 of the year.
  18. Decent album, but instant classic? I have to disagree with you there. Not even top 5 this year IMO.
  19. I'm shocked that this hasn't leaked yet
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