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Everything posted by Guru

  1. On the offensive end sure he's just a spot up shooter, but he's been playing great defense as well. He's always in the passing lanes, active hands, quick rotations etc. Shit, he had 3 steals tonight.
  2. Stackhouse has to be on some illegal experimental youth pill type shit. He's balling
  3. Or Rondo was still mad from this lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIoVchecp4g
  4. Pretty much. They were down big. KG kicked his leg out on the foul, lost balance, and fell. Rondo got upset that his boyfriend fell and pushed Hump. That's really it.
  5. So then why didn't they get 2 technical FTs?
  6. I meant to say 3-3. 2 Hump 1 Crash 2 Rondo 1 KG Where does the FT come from?
  7. I don't understand why they got to shoot a T .... weren't there two Ts on each side?
  8. JJ needs to get his shit together. A good game from him tonight could be the spark we need.
  9. I'll give you two one thing.. the reffing was inconsistent between halves today. Other than that I still think that those plays were fouls.
  10. Haha that's fine until you start giving up points via technical fouls and stop running back on D because you're still bitching.
  11. My only point to start with was that this is still a game and they should stfu and ball. Clearly, they decided to shut up and ball. It's only a 13 point game
  12. Wtf do you expect me to think when you call out 3 fouls and fish comes in and calls out the forth?
  13. No, for saying that they weren't fouls when they clearly were lol
  14. Clearly iMan does for bringing up my "nets bias" fatty
  15. I love how objectively Knick fans look at their games. It's awesome.
  16. .... they changed the guidelines doe, LOL. And I was actually rooting for the Knicks this game but their fans drive me away to a point where I always find myself rooting against them by the end of the game.
  17. Ah yes every single call that goes against the Knicks is horrible... lolknickfans
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