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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Let's talk about the Cowboys last year! They were amazing!!! Forreal though, I got the Giants going 10-6 as well. Eagles 10-6, Cowboys 8-8.
  2. I'd love to hear your argument for 2010...
  3. LEGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cano went [expletive]ing HAM
  4. Hahahahaha I almost cried from laughing so hard when she jumped off the stretcher and just ran back onto the field.
  5. http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/HOPESOLOKISS.gif.pagespeed.ce.GYMc4l2n6f.gif :wub: :wub: :wub:
  6. WHAT A [expletive]ING GAME .
  7. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U2073-1310246606.jpg
  8. My username <_< . I forgot I put Guru instead of youngguru.
  9. Every time I go to login it takes me to: http://dailypoll.me/index.php?error
  10. 1. Adrian Peterson 2. Chris Johnson 3. Arian Foster 4. Michael Turner 5. Ray Rice
  11. Haha no he would be forced to come back; unless he wanted to be sued penniless.
  12. He better not hurt himself over there. <_<
  13. 1. Peyton Manning 2. Tom Brady 3. Aaron Rodgers 4. Drew Brees 5. Ben Roethlisberger
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