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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Lolz, you mad because nobody repped your picture?
  2. lmao word. I got to the third line before wanting to blow my brains out. I couldn't do it.
  3. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2189/screenshot20110706at824.png
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/jbscotchman/81611822.gif
  5. I've been listening to this album on repeat. Easily one of my favorite albums of the year so far.
  6. Guru


  7. Seriously. [expletive]ing scrub would [expletive] up on a routine ground ball. Oh well, the Mets played solid today. It was a good game.
  8. not bad, lighting is solid
  9. It sucks, don't do it. Stick to the good stuff.
  10. Lmao, yes because a 1.1 BILLION dollar difference is "nearly the same amount". [expletive] outta here with your bullshit.
  11. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1309495042.png lmfao
  12. West for sure imo. Humphries is a great hustle player but nothing more.
  13. New clear side markers for the Benz. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1309453377.png
  14. Nice, can't wait to see it finished
  15. I play 3-5 hours of basketball everyday. [expletive] a treadmill.
  16. Lmao, my bad. But he can't just attack my team like that and expect no type of retaliation.
  17. Lmao @ pathetic franchise. We have way more pieces to rebuild with than the scrub ass Rockets.
  18. It's all scripted anyone that thinks otherwise needs a reality check.
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