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Everything posted by Guru

  1. OH BABYYYYYYY Stevenson's a scumbag? Who gives a shit he's shooting the lights out!!!
  2. Lmao they just won't let this Wade and Lebron video go will they?
  3. Haha let's be real, it's BEEN like this for around a year.
  4. Lol regardless, he deserved to get pushed after all the shit he was talking.
  5. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1307902758.png
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPReB88jKFk
  7. The only one I like is Frank Ocean. I gave the others a listen multiple times but I just can't get into it. Iono.
  8. Eh, if you were getting an iPhone 4 my opinion would be different but I'd prefer many Android devices over the 3gs
  9. Nice. This is one of my most anticipated albums of the year for sure.
  10. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1307809379.gif
  11. That's probably because you don't understand it lmao. What specific lines make you go huh?
  12. Haha, making a girl that is fronting like she doesn't like you jealous works every [expletive]ing time. Good shit yama.
  13. I recall 2 wide open shots he missed. Not sure where the third miss occurred. Well, I agree that it was, and should be, Wade's game late. But you can't sit there and tell me Lebron was as aggressive as he could have been in the 4th. People call him a 'superstar' but he played lackluster in the most important quarter of his life. Also, you say he wasn't great by any means. Well that is my point! If he is the superstar people claim he is than he NEEDS to be [expletive]ing great. Best player in the NBA my ass. Agreed.
  14. When you start laughing like this for multiple minutes at a time. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lij88hHRVQ1qzl5pa.gif
  15. No, he can't miss a wide open look! That's the whole damn point. WTF. If he wants to be treated like a superstar he needs to play like one and hit the open shots. "Now or never"? I guess it's [expletive]ing never. The real question is when will Lebron take his talents to the fourth quarter?
  16. great game.. i really hated the matchup going into these nba finals but man... amazing series

  17. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1307678202.png
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