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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Drinking for me. I do both pretty frequently but I prefer drinking. When I drink, I can run around and do stupid shit. When I get high, I just sit there and stare at shit. As the great Katt Williams once said, getting high only has 3 effects; hungry, happy, sleepy.
  2. lol yeah iOS updates have always been free
  3. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm8pxsefWw1qhkq6oo1_500.gif I predict that Lebron will have a big game in a Heat loss.
  4. Lmao @ the song selection for that vid
  5. Haha, I remember that. Vlade must have been pissed
  6. Hahah I forgot this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7qkTyrBBn4
  7. Shaq was not only one of the greatest players of all time but also one of the most entertaining players of all time. Post your favorite Shaq moments; there are plenty to choose from lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLOMEmRQ40U
  8. Wi-Fi sync isn't something special? Ha.
  9. The beta is already out! So sick, I can't wait until it officially comes out in fall. I may not rejailbreak my phone when I update to iOS 5
  10. Did anyone else see Haslems face after that call? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. Pretty good. I wish that all of the renders had either home or away jerseys. Or if the white jersey was in the middle. Text needs a bit more, looks very slapped on. Bg looks decent, not sure about the pink but you made it work.
  12. The crown is still mine cause I drop ill rhymes// A lot of rappers talk that murder shit and couldn't kill time// One two one two crews I run through// [expletive] karate big L practice gun fu

  13. http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/985/996/113433883_crop_650x440.jpg
  14. Guru


    Lol my bad, I saw IllWills PM asking me if he can use it before I saw this thread. Don't worry, I got a Big L wall currently in production just for you <3
  15. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/royceda59.png
  16. Just got finished listening to it for the first time... it's [expletive]ing off the hook
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