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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Lmao, I was going to say the same thing
  2. I like it, that flame is kind of random though
  3. Pretty sure India already [expletive]ed Pakistan up MULTIPLE times. Please open a history book when you get a chance
  4. Lmao no. That came out while he made us wait an hour to come on and make his real speech
  5. Post count is an extremely dumb criteria to judge a member off of imo. I don't think there needs to be any concrete criteria it should all be up the the judges/
  6. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k84/metalheadmax_01/1304309518182.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/0371_s7wp.gif
  7. What the [expletive]? I procrastinated for that? I wanted [expletive]in details Obama! Ugh.
  8. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkjsa0vvlq1qzu2tdo1_400.gif
  9. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/serr8d/animation/bush_fuck_you.gif
  10. Obama needs to hurry the [expletive] up, I have shit to do!
  11. hahaha some of these tweets are [expletive]ing hilarious right now
  12. Finally!!! Only took us 10 [expletive]in years...I'm extremely happy we finally got his bitch ass though
  13. http://lolbamas.com/blog/thatsnotfunny128630893950560268.jpg
  14. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/19513-when-did-you-join-otr/
  15. I think there should be a panel of judges (admins, other HOF members) to decide who gets in.
  16. This whole series is going to be awesome. The Celtics need to watch out for the Heat 3 point shooters. I really feel like the Heat role players will be the X factor in this series. If they can keep them under control they should be able to take this game and this series.
  17. Yeah those mother[expletive]ers are slick with that shit. They don't even have a unsubscribe button on XBL if you put your card on it. You have to call the clowns and have them ask you a billion questions before they actually cancel the service. It's a pain in the ass to do. I'm definitely sticking to the pre-paid cards from now on.
  18. Hahahahaha holy shit Seth Meyers went in on him too
  19. ... I hate Yelawolf but feel free to continue making shit up And who the [expletive] creates a thread of someone that they don't like/hate. You don't go and create a thread about someone because he's alright. Also, obviously people listened to the gay pop songs you posted considering they were every where in 2008. They even had their own [expletive]in MTV show IIRC.
  20. Says the Shwayze fan.... :lmao: [expletive] outta here
  21. I really need to stop spending money. I want to work over the summer but I need to take extra classes to make sure I graduate on time. <_< [expletive] double majoring. It's all good though, I some how made it through last summer with only 100 bucks. (Parent pay for my gas #winning) This year I have 350 plus I should make some back when I sell my books. But at the same time, I turn 21 at the end of August so I need to put away a decent amount for that.
  22. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/8136/teixeira.png
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