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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Hopefully the Giants take a OT first round.
  2. http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/4009/1097290-i_see_what_you_did_there_super.jpg
  3. Thanks guys. I used all my reps up for today but I'll rep when I re-up
  4. Thanks guys, keep the answers coming!
  5. Hey guys I need you guys to fill out this survey for me. I need it for a project in class. Try to be as honest as possible please. Are you a smartphone user or a non-smartphone user? If you are a smartphone user proceed to Survey A otherwise proceed to survey B. [b] Survey A[/b] 1. What type of smartphone do you use? 2. How often do you check your phone? a. 1-5 minutes b. 5-20 minutes c. 20-60 minutes d. 1-3 hours e. 3-24 hours 3. What applications do you use your smartphone for? (Mail, SMS, Calls, Games, etc.) 4. How would you feel if you were forced to downgrade from your smartphone back to a regular phone? 5. Do you feel that a lot of smartphone features are unnecessary? If yes, which features specifically? 6. Would you say that you use your smartphone more than your laptop on a daily basis? 7. On a scale of 1-10, how reliant are you on your smartphone for everyday tasks? 8. Would you say that you are “addicted” to your phone? [b] Survey B[/b] 1. What type of phone do you use? 2. How often do you check your phone? a. 1-5 minutes b. 5-20 minutes c. 20-60 minutes d. 1-3 hours e. 3-24 hours 3. What applications do you use your phone for? (Mail, SMS, Calls, Games, etc.) 4. How would you feel if you were to upgrade from your phone to a smartphone? 5. If you were to upgrade to a smartphone, do you feel that you would use your phone more often? 6. On a scale of 1-10, how reliant are you on your phone for everyday tasks? 7. Would you say that you are “addicted” to your phone? Thanks in advance
  6. I'm probably in the minority here but I LOVE the aggression he is playing with.
  7. http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1303874875-U11136.gif
  8. lmaoooo another one On a bad ankle too... holy shit
  9. I had a TL before this. And the place I went to for tints they come with a lifetime warranty for all for only a 100 bucks. That pretty much means that they take it off and put them as many times as you want. You don't have to take the tints off but after a while the cops in your area know your car so they just pull you over even if your windows are down lmao. And yeah HIDs are illegal everywhere in the US if they didn't originally come with your car. (Dumbass law)
  10. I already got about 15 tickets for HID/tints on my old car. I'm used to it lmao
  11. lmao i can pretty much expect nothing for my birthday for the next 5 years of my life but it's worth it
  12. tints 10% (i know its gonna be dark as [expletive] but its a black car so i want to go dark), hids, led lights in the tails and "eyebrows", smoked out head and tails, new rims so much shit to do .. so little money to do it lmao... its an auto.. sticks are fun to drive at times but that shit gets annoying after a while imo
  13. They tried selling it to me for 37; I got it for 32. Sold my old car for 20, parents dropped the rest
  14. I have never smoked in any of my cars
  15. Just took some pics of my new baby ^_^ http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/6.png http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/5.png http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/1.png
  16. When the game is on the line and it comes down to a big free throw, I get up and act like I am shooting the FT with the person at the line. I follow through until their shot goes in (If it does). I know... it's weird haha
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