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Everything posted by Guru

  1. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/miketyson.png Trying to get it back...
  2. http://moviesdatacenter.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/blood-out-2011-hollywood-movie-watch-online.jpg meh 5/10
  3. 15-18? Wow. You are underestimating the Knicks imo but we shall see.
  4. lolol you are crazy if you think the magic would do a deal that would not involve atleast one of those players going to Orlando Also, in this draft class the 14th and 23rd picks are not that valuable at all. Plus the Knicks will be a playoff team next year so that 2012 pick is weak as well.
  5. Don't underestimate this man. http://www.geeksaresexy.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/prokhorov385_322130a.jpg
  6. http://i54.tinypic.com/160678i.jpg
  7. Bro... San Francisco is in Cali
  8. Injuries are a part of the game. That is the gayest excuse ever. It's funny because even Knick fans know that their chances of beating the Celtics were not that great. But for some reason or another you continue to blab.
  9. If they don't switch, Chris Paul will just drain jumpers all day coming right off of the pick.
  10. This could have went so much smoother if you just admitted you were wrong. -_-
  11. http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/8646/screenshot20110424at105.png
  12. That pretty much sums it up. Boston > NY. It is that [expletive]ing simple.
  13. Haha yeah I have no idea wtf that is at the top
  14. Man you sound sooooooo stupid right now. Please explain what happened in game 3. PLEASE.
  15. lmao Hedo is so asssssssss I can't believe they went to him
  16. Really? The Knicks would have won the series if nobody got injured? WTF. I don't even know what to say to you at this point.
  17. Because they already chocked twice on games that they could have won?
  18. It would be so funny if this game came down the wire and the Knicks choked again
  19. Gas prices weren't the only reason people hated Bush... But I don't give a shit about politics so yeah this "discussion" stops here lol
  20. Holy shit the gas prices are [expletive]ing crazy
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