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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I love how aggressive Kobe was being with Paul in that 1st quarter.
  2. Fisher needs to either stop shooting or start making shots asap.
  3. Damn. Those are [expletive]ing niceeeee
  4. Steve Nash was cheesing hardcore lmao
  5. Wow wtf was Melo doing just letting West run the clock out.
  6. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1303261357.png lmfao
  7. One of my favorite players of all time. JWill + CWebb = Amazing entertainment.
  8. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/westbrook.png Yeah, it has been a while...
  9. Hahahaha WHAT? :lmao: Okay, I'm done here.
  10. Nice, you fixed your 'your'. Good job! You learn something new everyday!
  11. That sentence makes no sense. If you are going to call me dumb atleast learn some grammar. And for your future reference, it correct terminology would be WOULD not WILL. The sentence is also a fragment. Moron.
  12. I see where you are going with this but the St.Johns-Rutgers play was much more blatant imo.
  13. I'm pretty sure Derrick Williams already declared.
  14. Ohhhh, okay. Why didn't he just say that?
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