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Everything posted by fish7718

  1. To me it's #4 I've still yet to see, live of PI, Cloud Atlas, Silver Linings Playbook, Lincoln, Les Mis, and a couple other, now I only expect 2 of these to get a top crack, but still, def not GOAT movie, not even in the series
  2. Django unchained wraps up a truly fantastic year of cinema, best in recent memory, Avengers, Rises, Argo, Looper, just a few of the best movies to come out this year, and there's so many more I can name, here's to hoping 2013 can deliver, I doubt it though, I can't really think of that many block busters next year side from Ironman 3 and Catching Fire, Superman, Hobbit 2? idk...well there's Gatsby...Wolf on Wallstreet, hm maybe there is hope... btw Django was my favorite, and I'm not even a Tarantino fan...
  3. I see Ryback or Miz winning the rumble but someone like Orton or Barrett is always a dark horse for it, any random smackdown superstar really...
  4. Part you really gotta be excited for is you got Zack Snyder directing and Christopher Nolan producing, can't wait to see what they came up with...
  5. Yeah he has these games where he just can't hit water if he fell out of a boat, but he just keeps shooting, he can really shoot you in or out of a game, I know a lot of Knicks fans starting to get annoyed by how many shots he takes, personally I like his aggressiveness, I'm really interested to see what's gonna happen when Amar'e comes back because he's gonna have to get his shots too
  6. Third time in like 5 years Cowboys will play division opponent for playoff spot on final game 2008 - Eagles the 44-6 game for the last WC spot 2011 - Giants for division 2012 - Redskins for division in the other 2 games o-line just did not show up
  7. Didn't get to watch, looked like Felton was jackin, not surprising, too bad, oh well, can't wait to get home and see amar'e back...this road trip needs to end
  8. Why do you have no interest in watching them? 3 of the best movies of all time...
  9. SHUMP, because he got robbed last year
  10. This day went from tragic, to amazing, to tragic, to eh lol, can't believe we still control our own fate, thank you Baltimore
  11. Pretty un impressive if you ask me, Gruden and Turico hit the nail on the head, a lot of his yards come in situations when no one is playing defense and he catches underneath and runs for 10 yards, fitting that that's what he used to break the record. Hilarious that they also pointed it he did it in his 7th straight loss lmao.
  12. I totally agree with mostly everyone, it wouldn't be a problem if dudes could hit their free throws, hit your free throws..How is it ever a disadvantage for a team to get 2 free throws every trip down? lol
  13. That was the game he almost pitched a perfect game...
  14. http://s2.postimage.org/iogjxo4o9/jags.gif why did you come back?
  15. http://cdn0.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/2500489/20121001_gav_aw8_010.0_standard_730.0.jpg
  16. Looks great, and they are all playing themselves, that's awesome, even though they usually play themselves in just about every movie lol
  17. yeah he got crazy up funny how easy that dunk was
  18. RG 3, they need a win, he's the safest pick if he plays
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