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Everything posted by fish7718

  1. Honestly smoove I just think you are completely ignorant or just didn't watch games last year or any year for that matter its the rest of the team that crumbles around Romo, you can look at every game that "Romo lost" and find players on the team who made just as big if not bigger mistakes. Lol at DemarDeRozanDunk
  2. RD just made it sound like Jesus's 2nd coming and Yugo was the only causality? EL-OH-EL
  3. I feel some members unintentionally bait by posting ignorant things #THEFISHHASSPOKEN #TAKENOTESNOOBS #WHATUPPPPPP #IMHASHTAGGINGCAUSEIMBORED #HASTAGBITCH #MAKEEMSAYUHHHHH #UHHHHHHHH #NANANANA ^^ example of unintentional ignorant baiting
  4. Got home at 1 lol, no disapointed in my team, weak at HB but strong at QB WR TE
  5. The amount of butt hurt on this forum is incredible lol
  6. Was just about to post i can't do 9 est, have a game tonight, I will most likely be able to do 11 PM, no promises, I may be a little late..
  7. Shaliq, the onyl one who believes the way you post lineups isnt stupid is you, fact
  8. No doubt Andrew Luck is a beast, some of the throws he was making were Peyton Manning like, kid has incredible talent...
  9. FINE, until you change your avi you're just a Nitro wanna-be
  10. Still continues to miss the point :wallbash3:
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