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Everything posted by fish7718

  1. No chance sorry pal..unless it's like middle right field, then maybe lol Not 100% sure but it sounds like a promotion
  2. Not necessarily they give out details for the games, Max Payne 3 had a shit load about it came out 3 months in advance, L.A. Noire was widely documented, Red Dead had a lot on it too. It's just the way they unveil in their shit is different. They don't do E3, they walk to beat of their own drum.
  3. As if this forum couldn't get worse, can we at least respect the final 8 months instead of acting like children?
  4. I always rooted for the Spurs cause back in the day when I didn't watch a .lot of basketball I went to Texas 1 uncle was a Bulls Jordan fan one was a Spurs fan, I always loved the underdog so Spurs were actually once my favorite team, till they played the Knicks but anyway I've always love Duncan and always rooted for the Spurs in the Western Confrence battles with the Lakers Suns and Mavs, can't help but root for them hard in these playoffs. Especially because I really don't want the other 3 teams to win. That being said. San Antonio is just too good, their offensive execution is top notch and their defense is spectacular, of the teams remaining not only are they possibly the most talented aside from a healthy Miami, but they are by far the most cohesive. Basically, I like the Spurs and I can't see them losing.
  5. lol 35 games is a full season if going to home games, and you must be quite rich despite having all this free time lol
  6. Oh of course not, I don't think he did it on purpose, it's just the idea that he though it was labor day and not memorial day that irks me lol
  7. Only thing worse than shaliq posting on fake account is him being caught doing it, lieing about it, then continuing to post on it despite we can see it's obviously him due the style he posts with
  8. Obviously the list is nice, still prolly more games than that too, but the biggest things should be what's shortly before and/or after E3 and that should be more info on GTA 5 and also the Microsoft and Sony conferences because we should be getting info on the next gen consoles...
  9. It's kind of funny until you realize how [expletive]ed up America is that a day to honor the armed forces, people who keep us safe, becomes a punchline, overlooked, forgotten, never celebrated...
  10. New Orleans, Charrlotte, Brooklyn/Toronto The Nets or Raptors could be scary if they won...
  11. www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5H-x7Ri03Y
  12. Haha I heard about that, shit was crazy, what a psycho I heard the cop shot him 6 times, little excessive...
  13. He didn't have it today but, he still has some pretty nice stuff. Got a lot of swing and misses on strikes. Been an ugly game all day and really has the feel of a game the mets are just destined to lose but came back from down 2 runs twice, so I am happy right now... Not every day you see a team score 4 runs on 2 hits
  14. http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m607/xLovely_Emox/gif/BUSTED.gif
  15. lol @ repping my post when I was laughin at you lol, why you so mad?
  16. 6 games over .500 for the first time since mid 2010, I love this team, mostly home grown talent just getting done...survived long term injuries to both Thole and Tejeda now, we've been beating bad teams so still a playoff birth is still a ways off but I can't help to get more and more excited by the day, if Ike finally starts hitting man..Johan and Dickey have just pitched absolutely lights out, Niese has been great aside from a couple times he got rocked, Gee is a good 4, Hefner needs to step up Let's go sweep the Phillies again infact if you take out niese's 2 games where he pitched a combined 6 innings and gave up 13, he has a 2.25 era, so if he's pitching good, he's pitching good
  17. Interesting... http://i48.tinypic.com/2cendyt.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/1m1b7.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2efm0e8.jpg Decisions like these are why I don't sit in the big chair, yet Time to see what you are worth Sandy Alderson
  18. Real Sports Zone lol, pretty sure it's shut down now I'd love to move as a group to a forum, keep same names and such, just don't see it happening, but yeah keep me in the loop 8 years is a hell of a run, shame we didn't make it to 10, but it would be nice to be/see the 1,000,000th post
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