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Everything posted by fish7718

  1. Will see soon, I'm interested if it can crack my top 10
  2. Gone baby gone excellent movie on par with Argo a bit above The Town
  3. Whichever I felt had a more comfortable driver seat..
  4. Pretty sure I just said I was offended about eh say 12 posts ago idk dont feel like counting, but k, you got it smitts, why doesn't all the people being on other people's cock end too, can we please? Answer me 1 question, how often do I complain about members? lol
  5. Tough to win MVP as a d-linemen simply because the position is not as valuable as QB. Manning had one of the best seasons ever for a 36 yr old QB coming off neck surgery lol
  6. I don't like the Lakers, you don't see me going into Lakers threads and posting "Go [insert team name]" unnecessary baiting. Post count, is that how we judge the quality of this site? Post count has been a problem for 2 years, not gonna change, we aren't random forums who thrive off post count, we are forum that thrives off the quality members who keep coming back despite the lack of activity. How is the site better? I'm sorry I won't answer rhetorical questions, ask just about any member not a on foreign IP they'll give you a straight up answer. Worst part is, I even like the guy, just don't like his conduct. n
  7. @Brandon "Real Deal" Neal How am I supposed to see shit like this in random gameday threads and not troll? Seriously? The site was better with this guy not around. There I said it.
  8. I love my lower pay checks MONEY FOR ALL YAY umad ECN? btw me and my lower pay check will whop your ass in madden in my sleep, scrub
  9. Rob Ryan was a bigger problem than Garrett to me, Garrett could be sucessful HC if he let someone else run offense, I'd have no problem seeing Garrett got tho
  10. haha DBF is extreme trash beat me yeah, I threw 6 picks I won't lie he's better than I remember him to be still he ran 3 plays the whole game and cheesed completely so I'm not impressed at all, would never lose to him again lol
  11. He bought us from 31st to 17th along the way Lee and Carter became studs, not because of him but because of talent and we added Morris Claiborne and Brandon Carr, not to mention we still couldn't cause turnovers, I wouldn't say he made us much better at all
  12. He always was a good blocker, when he wasn't holding people
  13. ECN talking trash to me is like my local highschool talking trash to the NY Giants, it's just funny all you can do is laugh no point in responding lol
  14. I will never lose to ECN lol
  15. I believe Calvin Watkins was first to report it on Twitter I think it heard it has somethin to do with him calling Claiborne the N word, idk how much truth there is to that...
  16. 42-7 in the third, i had better stuff to do so i quit lol
  17. Haha I will do that next time I play him warren if I decide I wanna waste my time again
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