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The Artesticle

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Everything posted by The Artesticle

  1. Well it really depends how you cook it. I know some people who get disgusted by fish, but honestly it's not that bad. I eat it once in a while and it's good. I just hate it when you try to eat it and there's all these little bones all over the place.
  2. - chicken - beef - pork - fish - turkey (don't really eat turkey unless it's Thanksgiving)
  3. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-lakers-fyi19-2009dec19,0,663348.story This is sweet. Once Pau makes it official and Kobe gets his contract, our core of Pau/Kobe/Drew/Ron/LO will be locked up for years to come. Our crappy contracts like Morrison, Fish (overpayed for production) and Sasha are all gone within the next year or two.
  4. The only team I think might do something to rub it in is Boston. And that would just be KG talking smack. He's not gonna make himself look like an idiot doing dance moves in the middle of a game.
  5. Carmelo - Kobe - Nash NBA would give it to Lebron though.
  6. If I remember correctly, Bogut took a shot at Kobe during his rookie year. In their first matchup, Kobe posterized him. Guess he didn't learn the first time.
  7. http://photos.upi.com/slideshow/lbox/64e644484fd298dd00eab041f10114f3/Lakers-NBA-Championship-Parade.jpg
  8. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/wrestling/blog/2009/12/my_take_on_bret_hart_reportedly_signing_with_wwe.html what... lol
  9. I'm hearing that Aumont has back problems already at such a young age. That can't be good, can it? Hopefully it isn't too serious. I'm kind of mixed about this trade to be honest. Halladay is probably the best pitcher in the game, but I'm not liking all the pieces we parted ways with. Why didn't we just swing a deal for him last year?
  10. I don't know much about prospects, so is this a good deal from the Phillies POV? Seems like we are giving up a [expletive] load for Halladay. I know that Drabek and Taylor are two of our best prospects, and we're packaging them WITH Cliff Lee for Halladay? How do Aumont and Gillies compare to Drabek and Taylor potential wise? It's kind of weird that the management refused to give away the top prospects during the deadline for Halladay, but are now willing to package them with Lee to get him.
  11. http://home.comcast.net/~hankbaskett/sports/deseanLQ.gif ... wait... this is good right?
  12. So from now on everything he makes is a failure? It shouldn't affect your opinion to the point where you automatically dismiss everything he does as a failure. When Tiger comes back, is he any less of a golf player because he cheated on his wife, or is he just a worse person? And MJ didn't "get off" at all. Pretty much everyone knew and saw him as a child molester, but that had no effect on his music, did it? I mean, it's not like Chris Brown was glorifying what he did, attacking people, or making racial comments on his album.
  13. I never compared MJ to Chris Brown. Just their situations. If you're reviewing music, review the music. Don't use outside factors to base your opinions. Does Tiger cheating on his wife make him any less of a golfer than he was before? Nope.
  14. Yep. Read the review on allmusic. They gave him a 1 out of 5 stars. Graffiti isn't a classic, but it certainly isn't horrible by any means. People are letting their personal opinions get in the way of the music. What Michael Jackson did was far worse, but that doesn't stop him from being the King of Pop. If your job is to review music, then do it. There's no way Graffiti is 1/5, and I see no reason why it should deserve a failing grade.
  15. I've been bumping this all day. It's sick. @ his critics. I've seen some reviews give this album 1 out of 5 stars. Could you make your bias any more obvious?
  16. I see... Hm, I like Pedro. I hope things work itself out, but I do agree his health is a big concern. He'd be a terrific 5th starter though.
  17. Why won't Pedro be back? I thought he did great last year. I read he wants to return to the Phillies as well, so I'm guessing it's the Phillies who want to end the relationship. Why would they do that? Is he asking for too much money?
  18. I'd take a prime Shaq over a prime Kobe. Don't get me wrong, Kobe's a phenomenal player, best player in the game. However, if I'm building a championship team, it makes my job a lot easier if I have someone like a prime Shaq in the middle.
  19. No, I read a report on the internet somewhere. I'll see if I can find the link. And if you go according to Kobe's words, nothing is serious. Because as long as he has two legs and two arms, he will play. If it was really that serious, I'd hope he has the sense to sit out a couple of games, because these games mean nothing in the long run. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.
  20. http://www.halfcourt.info/A55B25/Halfcourt.nsf/Davis_Kirilenko.jpg WIN. I knew this was a terrible signing to begin with. It made absolutely no sense what so ever.
  21. Make your pick as in who you would build a team around? I take the Most Dominant Player in sports history, Shaquille O'Neal no question about it.
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