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The Artesticle

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Everything posted by The Artesticle

  1. 99 Ranch Market has a bunch of varieties of Ramen noodles, Asian style. Not sure if you have the store where you live though, but Snake is right. Chinese supermarkets are usually stacked with all kinds of instant noodles.
  2. Dahntay Jones, of the Indiana Pacers (formerly a Nugget) who supposedly is the next Bruce Bowen and can lock him down.
  3. lol maclin with another good return after the penalty
  4. yes but it's fun. i'm excited for eagles football!!! maclin was deadly on that punt return. but this team has been way too sloppy. too much penalties.
  5. yeah the D-line was getting no pressure, but then again they were mostly 2nd/3rd stringers going up against the Patriot's first team o-line.
  6. We'll use him in wildcat formations. He doesn't have to change anything except his attitude. He's just an added weapon if he can get back in shape and keep his head straight. The salary probably isn't large either, so it's a low risk move anyways. And this has nothing to do with McNabb. McNabb is the starter, and will be the starter unless he gets injured. If anything this just shows how much faith they have in backup QB Kevin Kolb the bust.
  7. don't know what to say either... not gonna lie but i'm kind of excited. not sure what type of minutes he'll see though.
  8. jason peters injured too, celek and peters will not return, but they're only sprains, so nothing serious.
  9. yeah he hurt his shoulder? [expletive] man...
  10. I've been hearing nothing but positives about Brandon Gibson. He's looked decent so far as well.
  11. Eagles very sloppy now. But Weaver and McCoy have been absolute studs.
  12. preseason game!!! Sheldon Brown just picked off Brady. McCoy the rookie has been great so far. D a bit shaky, along with O-Line
  13. Without the steriods Cleveland would've advanced to the Finals, to lose to the Lakers. I feel so bad for Lebron.
  14. vitti just got a free vacation to Spain lucky mofo...
  15. what? dude wtf i was just kidding dude... sorry
  16. you pmed him on the old OTR when you threatened to post my pic, and didn't do it. he told me. keep talking though, i don't care. i know you don't have my pic. btw, good job answering only half my question. if you had the pic you'd know what i was holding. too bad you don't *quick i'mma pm yama*
  17. because you PMed yama. good try. post my pic.
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