With the talk about Boston/Cleveland/Orlando, do you guys think Washington is being overlooked? I don't really know how they match up just yet, a lot of questions still need to be answered, but look at their roster. PG: Arenas/James/Crittenton SG: Foye/Young/Stevenson SF: Butler/Miller/McGuire PF: Jamison/Blatche C: Haywood/McGee That's a [expletive] load of talent. They have a nice trio of vets, Arenas/Butler/Jamison. The trade for Foye/Miller just added to their fire power. Not to mention they have a great collection of young talent in Javaris Crittenton, Nick Young, Dominic McGuire, Andre Blatche, and JaVale McGee, who had a very promising rookie year. The only question for this team IMO, is how well Arenas will play after his injury. Chemistry could be a problem at first, but I don't see it being much of an issue later on in the season, when everybody familiarizes with each other. The only downfall for this team, I guess is defense. But look at all the fire power they have on that squad. Pretty scary if you think about it, they remind me of the Mavs/Suns a few years back. This team can just pile up points on you, and they're very very deep and talented. I think if all goes according to plan, they can give the Big 3 teams of the east a run for their money.