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Everything posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. Funny that you can't refute anything you dumb libtard. It's funny that the two shittiest states in the U.S. are voting for Obama, and that doesn't include NY or MA. You're just another Clinton sheep. Get your excuses ready for when Obama fails again because he's a [expletive]ing moron.
  2. What are your excuses going to be if Obama wins and fails yet again?
  3. Here we go, another Clinton jocker. Clinton was NOT good. He's the reason for the housing bubble bursting and a large contributor to the economic downfall with his policies. Hint: This thing called a "dot com" boom was the reason for economic success. I'm not surprised a lib didn't know that though.
  4. So, you're fine with the middle class having a tax increase?
  5. What does that have to do with anything? Typical lib. Are you ready for Taxmageddon in January?
  6. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/6/17/1308320849541/Greece-debt-crisis-protes-007.jpg
  7. If Obama wins, that means I don't have to work anymore, right? I can sit on my couch all day and collect unemployment like most lazy libs? I love how you libtards think taxing the wealthy is a good idea. Enjoy lower wages to compensate. Enjoy less hours and less pay to compensate. At the end of the day, that probably doesn't hurt libs too much because they don't work and just leech on society.
  8. Yes, and it's no surprise that the worst candidate has a high percentage of a certain vote. I love how black people act like they don't vote based on race. . This race is not looking good, but I'm looking forward to JYD's crying when Obama fails again (if re-elected) where he'll still find a way to blame it on the Republican party.
  9. And, you're probably going to vote tomorrow as well just like the rest of the cheating libtards.
  10. You're wrong, and that's a fact. The real unemployment numbers are terrible, and if you want I can find you many liberal sources that will have that information as well. Please go. This isn't a conservative spin on the numbers. These are actual facts. You don't have to spin anything to make Obama look poor and clueless. He does that plenty well on his own.
  11. Are you this dense? I dispute it because there aren't the ACTUAL unemployment numbers. It's not accounting for those people who left the work force, but aren't registered as unemployed. I'm not sure what part of that you don't get. That's why that graph is completely useless. Let me simplify this for you. Are there more or less people working now than four years ago when Obama took office? http://bostonherald.com/news/opinion/editorials/view/20221103been_down_so_long http://cnsnews.com/news/article/real-unemployment-rate-146-percent-october I could post many sources as these are the ACTUAL numbers, not the fudged numbers you liberals want to use.
  12. Wow, this Giants game is an absolute embarrassment. On that drive: 1. That wasn't pass interference. 2. That wasn't a hit to the head or a personal foul. 3. That wasn't a TD. Unreal.........
  13. How much are the Giants paying the officials for that shitty PI call?
  14. http://www.sectalk.com/board/public/imported_images/savemisc.com/ba6f7724f51a965806c666ad5f4a4dac.gif
  15. I've been going alright today with the pick 'em. I lost three games. I lost the Redskins, Dolphins, and Bills game.
  16. Unemployment is worse now than when Obama took office. Stop using the garbage numbers libtards like to use. USe the real unemployment numbers, and those are HORRIFIC. Obama hasn't fulfilled his promise about unemployment numbers at all. According to your logic, since more people becoming employed seems to be a trend and you praise him for that, then there's no reason to think that since the deficit has kept growing that it won't keep growing. Just stop with the nonsense and false information that you keep using. Unemployment is WORSE now than when he took office. You don't want to see to account for those that left the job force. The election needs to just happen already so we can get this over with already. However, libs have been voting illegally already, but that's no surprise. Registering as voters over the age of 100.
  17. Strong spot on the Driver catch. That was 4th down without a shadow of a doubt.
  18. Dem broken promises (don't agree with everything they said though) http://pjmedia.com/zombie/2012/11/02/why-was-there-no-october-surprise/ Now, as you can see below, there's no logical reason to vote for Obama unless you're like the woman in the video above. http://www.mittromney.com/sites/default/files/shared/presidentialaccountabilityscorecard.jpg
  19. I'll pass, just like Oregon is going to pass Notre Dame in the rankings.
  20. It's fine. I know NY and NJ are not in good shape right now, and I know a lot of people there aren't even getting cell-phone service at all, so it's all good.
  21. U scurred little boy? Oregon will jump Notre Dame in the rankings. If I'm wrong, I'll paypal you $50, and if you're wrong, you buy $50 worth of items of my choosing off shop.com. U scurred? If you accept before the polls and I respond, I'll do it.
  22. ND, ORE, and K-State are all going to lose. (semi-srs) Oregon will lose by double digits though.
  23. Gee, I don't know, maybe because that's what OBAMA himself promised? Oh, so he lied then? Sounds about right. Now, I'm honestly trying to figure out why liberals think this failure deserves a second term besides: 1. Oh, he's done fine (which he hasn't). 2. Oh, he'll finally get Republican help because they're the bad guys still! Bush is to blame for everything! Also, LOL at lkr and his unemployment cluelessness. You're one of the libs that doesn't want to look at the true unemployment numbers. This country is not in a better place now than when Obama took office. I'd love to actually hear an argument as to how we're in a better position now than when he took office. I don't think Romney is perfect, but he is a far better candidate than Obama is.
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