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Everything posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. Yes, I'm still willing to do it. I'll probably keep $500 or so on the side for whoever signs up, and will just repay everyone who buys one of those items I listed. Those are the items that are the most common one's sold, but I really do think they are good products as I've tried them multiple times. The only thing I will say is that if you get the mochotonix (very good), you'll probably need to use a blender as a shaker didn't seem to work too well for me, but that may have been due to the amount of milk I mixed with it.
  2. A gurl was walkin 2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode. she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr" he said "NO.."" da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine. boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. he whsipered 2 her corpse "I ment to sey I will luv u FIVE-ever......" (dat mean he luv her moar dan 4evr.....) lyk dis if u crii everityme
  3. You're really building a great argument for Obama. . U mad the race in CA is becoming closer between the two even though Obama will still probably win CA? It's going to be a great day here if Romney wins the election.
  4. You know, when people don't have jobs, they should go and fine one. What a hard concept to grasp!
  5. It comes down to what you believe is "fair". I believe the rich are paying their "fair" share and then some right now. The entire welfare graph isn't even something I'm posting due to minorities being on welfare, and there are MANY conservative white's on it as well. It has gotten out of hand under the Obama administration though.
  6. The rich don't pay their fair share though. . http://www.weeklystandard.com/sites/all/files/images/America%20Spent%20Enough%20On%20Federal%20Welfare%20Last%20Year%20To%20Send%20$60,000%20To%20Each%20Household%20In%20Poverty.preview.jpg http://rumorsontheinternets.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/wee-bey-oh-shit.gif http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/over-60000-welfare-spentper-household-poverty_657889.html
  7. Apparently 4Chan hacked his twitter account and created a rumor that said he has cancer (not the funny part), and many of his fans started shaving their heads in support..... http://www.underthegunreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/et_tweet_jb_cancer-beliebers.jpeg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR4c2yKh1BQ http://www.underthegunreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Screen-shot-2012-10-26-at-2.25.15-PM.png http://www.underthegunreview.net/2012/10/26/4chan-members-fabricate-justin-bieber-cancer-scare-fans-shave-heads-to-show-support/
  8. If these reports are true.............Obama dun goofed big time. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/petraeus-throws-obama-under-bus_657896.html http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/ Checked CNN and MSNBC, and other liberal sites, and not a word about this. Surprise, surprise.........
  9. Hah, I was going to mention Melo before, but I saw the cost of it.
  10. Correct. If you buy one of the isotonix (vitamin) or mochotonix products, I will refund you everything as long as you use me as a referral. No, just doing this will not get me anything right now. I'm trying to build up a customer base, but even if ten people here buy a product from there, I won't be making anything for a while. It wouldn't make sense for me to be making a lot just from getting people to sign up and just buy one product. The long term goal is to develop a customer base that likes to use online shopping and will continue using the site. What I'm doing here is just trying to get people to use the site and see if they like it. If you do like it and continue to use it, wonderful. If not, then all I'm eating is $25-$50 (whatever the cost is) in an attempt to try and build a base. The way I make money is by actually getting people to do the same exact thing I am doing right now, not just by getting people as referrals. I'm on a three year plan where if I follow my mentor's, I should be once pace to make six figures within three years, but it takes longer for some people and shorter for others. You would have to see a presentation to fully understand what I am doing and how to make money as it is complicated. So, in short, I will not be making money by doing this right now. If you buy one of the products I mentioned and never buy again, that's fine, and I will be eating the cost of trying to build a customer base. If you like the product, which I honestly think you will, and you continue to purchase from there, I will make some money in the long term, but that won't be happening for a long time. Also, I know you're relatively pretty smart, and you may have wondered this already, but this is not a pyramid scheme in any way whatsoever.
  11. If anyone does it, just send me your paypal info.
  12. Ah, thanks. Also, I forgot to mention that in November/December, Shop.com will be getting electronics for Samsung, Panasonic, and other major electronic companies for cheaper than Amazon and Walmart as they just stuck a deal with those companies recently.
  13. I wasn't referring to jobs paying that low. I was assuming he was just talking about minimum wage jobs, and I also don't condone those farms or any companies employing illegal immigrants.
  14. Real Deal has allowed me to post this here. I'll try and keep this short, but I just recently joined this site/organization called Shop.com/Market America. The site is a large retail site that sells more products than Amazon currently does, and offers it's customers cash back on their purchases along with other incentives. I'm now a distributor trying to build a customer base. I went to a large seminar the other day for people that have been doing this for some years, and many of them are making $4,000-$50,000+ each month (Yes, wide range because some have been doing it longer). The way to make money doing this would take a while to explain, but if anyone's interested they can Skype with me of send me a PM. This is something I'm really trying to dedicate some time to and see where it takes me. I'm 23 years old right now, and there were quite a few young people at the seminar I was at last Saturday that are making some serious money right now, and I'm honestly trying to do the same. What I'm asking is if you can check out the site and see if you like anything. Many of the products on the site can be purchased through Amazon and Walmart as you'll see when you click on a product to purchase. Shop.com is mainly a filter that receives good deals from Amazon because the domain name of Shop.com attracts many customers. Now, here is what I am asking if some of you will be willing to do: Two of the best products and top selling products are called Mochatonix and Isotonix. One of them is an energy drink/powder that is honestly far better than anything else on the market and Isotonix is a brand that has multivitamins, calcium, etc. If anyone here makes a purchase of the Isotonix multi-vitamin or the Mochatonix, or anything of that sort, I will paypal you the cost of your purchase, no later than sometime in December. Ask Jenneral when I owed him money, I pretty much doubled what I was going to pay him (even though that was because my checking account was frozen was betting). If you end up purchasing something from there, use the referral email address of: jwgeorge89@yahoo.com Post in here or PM me if you have any questions, but if anyone does make a purchase, it would be greatly appreciated, and it's basically free as I'm going to refund you. If you end up liking it, great, but if you don't, you didn't waste any money. http://www.shop.com
  15. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Once again, you don't seem to understand it. Do you not see that word in your own sentence........ILLEGAL?! Go ahead and try justifying illegal immigration, but at the end of the day, it's illegal. Not to mention U.S. citizens would do those jobs if illegals weren't here taking those jobs.
  16. You fools are lucky I've forgotten to do multiple Thursday night games. I'll be in first place by the end of the season though.
  17. Out of the three players you listed, LeBron James is the only superstar. You can say I have high standards, but he's the only one I consider a true superstar. I think D12, even though I dislike him is a star, and an elite one at that. Melo though? http://www.miscupload.com/upload/24044660138573118722905.gif He's a very good player, but not on the level of a superstar.
  18. Which superstar? You only listed one superstar in the poll.
  19. Speaking of jokes. Losing to a 2-4 team............... http://i49.tinypic.com/2nk0z5y.png
  20. Notsureifsrs......... That was the point. That is why Romney did fine tonight. He didn't need to separate himself from Obama on foreign policy. All he had to say was, "Yes, I agree with Obama on everything with foreign policy, so no need to worry there, but I'm different because I'll create jobs". He's going to agree with him on foreign policy, but disagree with him on the most important issue in the election which is the economy and jobs. Liberals want to think that hurt Romney tonight, but it without a doubt helped him.
  21. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/69772_478963235477640_1506725715_n.jpg
  22. I don't necessarily disagree with you, as I've said all along that I think Obama will probably win, but I do think it's becoming much closer now. If Obama loses Ohio..............
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