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Everything posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. I hope Lawrie gets 10+ games. The guy is such a tool.
  2. He's a little arrogant bitch. I hope he has a terrible career.
  3. The only "new" fanbase that may be bigger is the Jets, but I wouldn't be so sure about that. I know the Giants have a lot of fans in CT too, and I think the Jets are just loud and obnoxious and receive more media attention.
  4. It was a good movie, but it was slow for a while before it picked up. The Hulk is unstoppable though. <33333333.
  5. I don't think it's a big deal, but it's kind of dumb considering Harden would start on most teams for sure.
  6. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--metta-world-peace-answers-lakers--call-for-help.html Interdastin...........
  7. Trololololololol. http://i.minus.com/ibrbOoRe6fTRMf.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6L8MyHkoX4
  8. Please go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxKE5--iB4U&feature=player_embedded
  9. Strong dedication to your own team. Brb, let me celebrate with the team that just came back on my own team, regardless of friendships. http://i.imgur.com/mudLF.gif
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/13/world/americas/mexico-remains/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  11. It's crazy that he's making this much money, but I understand the demographic situation, but.....DAMN!
  12. You're set for life, brah. http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/05/11/friday-and-1-links-report-ricky-rubio-signs-deal-with-adidas/ http://www.tubasket.com/noticia/mas-basket/primicia-mundial-adidas-ficha-ricky-contrato-megaestrella-solo-superado-rose-howard/1762651/3 http://fim.413chan.net/oc/src/129903109693-woah.gif
  13. Hamilton was safe on that dive to first..............
  14. I'm not even sure if his foot was on the line. However, Flop City needs to stop crying about everything, and even Paul flopped like a little baby on the foul by Conley.
  15. Josh Hamilton............................unreal.
  16. Pujols is now 3-15 since he hit his first and only HR of the season, and those three hits have been singles. People can keep telling themselves that he's going to go off though. Adam Dunn 2.0 in the making, with a far worse contract..............
  17. I think it will pick up over the summer when people have some more time, but maybe that will mean less activity because more people will be outside. Who knows? I think it will pick up though.
  18. Let's just keep acting like Kobe's FG% is amazing during his playoff career, and this year......... You can claim he's defended differently, but those are just excuses for his play. He has a pretty poor FG% compared to other elite players during the post-season. I'm not going to say he's turned into a glorified chucker, but..........
  19. At least you gave it a shot. Just remember I don't like pickles on my burgers.
  20. Did he every say he didn't think that was a bitch move? Why are you bringing that up here?
  21. I always liked Oden, and want him to have a good career, but he should take responsibility for things like his drinking habits. I understand how it would suck to have those injuries, and would understand him being pissed about it, but not some other things like having no "veteran leadership" on the team or whatever he said.
  22. I think the main reason is people are just getting older and not posting here as much, and some others have flocked to other forums. I think we can get more people here, but it will take some work.
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