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Everything posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. Name: Tyrone Age: 20 Location: New Jersey Status: Jelly as fuk.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSxeQ_-pU7I&feature=player_embedded
  3. I'd say the most intolerable fan base would the the fan base that has had little success until recent years down in sunny Florida, and still needs to put white shirts over seats in their stadium so it looks like it's a whiteout, when in fact they have few fans that show up to games.
  4. I heard multiple people were doing that. It shows how [expletive]ing stupid people really are.
  5. http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/59789.jpg
  6. He's probably talking abut him not being active in Uganda since 2006. People aren't even 100% sure if he's alive or dead.
  7. I don't post in this thread much, so whatever. I have a lot of these if they haven't been posted: http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/user_photos/1250373/c6c1da614c2f56f7f3ddf63229397920_width_600x.jpg http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/user_photos/1250338/80fe214e7eedb97ed9c48f7940484ede_width_600x.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zJ85n.jpg
  8. He was the "hottest" player for a week. He was never the best.
  9. Yes, catching a terrible person is a great cause, it really is. However, how it is being done and why it's being done are too major questions as well.
  10. I'm saying IF people are going to start donating their money, they should try and see where there money is really going. It's not a very good comparable, but there are a lot of people that won't buy diamonds because they think they are "blood diamonds". People who donate their money to this organization are giving their money to the Ugandan army which has a history of terrible crimes, just like Kony.
  11. I never said they were donating their money. I asked how many were, and then posted statistics showing how this organization isn't as straightforward and truthful as people think they are. So, the people that are just blindly supporting them (not just money wise as I didn't say that) are being gullible. It was two completely different points in that post. One was asking a question, and one was showing percentages of how the organization uses their money, which are not the same. *Waiting for you to quote post #14 when that's a warning and suggestion and not an accusation*
  12. I hope I don't go to hell, but I couldn't help but laugh. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/264/083/db8.jpg
  13. It's a bunch of garbage propaganda that most people will fall for. The Ugandan army has a long history of raping women and other awful crimes, yet this is where the money is going.
  14. So, are you guys donating your money to go to Uganda where they are shady as hell as well, and their President has been responsible for many deaths as well? Brb, using 31% of donations for the actual cause. Brb, Red Cross and many other good organizations donate 90%+. So many of you are just too gullible.
  15. Never mind. I didn't see that I typed that in my post.
  16. Is KONY in Uganda? Nope. Has the Invisible Children refused to cooperate with the Better Business Bureau? Yes Does Charity Navigator have them rated highly? Nope, not even close. Learn what you're supporting before you gullible people start giving money to a certain cause.
  17. It's funny people are just finding out about this now. Why are you guys supporting the organization that put out this video? I'm guessing you don't know that they give minimal money away (35-40%) and use most of it to pay salaries, travel, and film making. That's a true non-profit organization. Not to mention that Foreign Affairs rated the organization as 2/4 stars as they've been shady as hell in the past. I'll support the mission to find KONY, but I'm not about to give my money to these people, who give money to Uganda, who have people who rape and kill children as well.
  18. He was never that good. Just a lot of hype because he's Asian doing someone no Asian's have really done before.
  19. Keep your head up Voracek. That was a 100% clean and beautiful hit!
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