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Everything posted by Flash

  1. I'll be there as well. I can't wait until Udonis comes into the game. The ovation for him is gonna be incredible.
  2. This is so [expletive]ing stupid. Telling people what they can and can't eat, however old they are is just [expletive]ing retarded.
  3. Lol, let's not make this political but all I can say is wow, just wow.
  4. True, but that was after a [expletive]in nasty ass dunk..these were after Joel Anthony tipped in his missed layup. I'm just being a homer though, was this not obvious the entire time?
  5. I guess Danny Ferry deserves some love from me. I appreciate Dan Gilbert's retardedness as well but he's just a D-Bag.
  6. Part of me wants to like Gibson because he seems like a genuine guy, but then seeing the whole yelling/raise the roof thing while they were losing and he scored 2 lucky ass baskets kinda annoyed me. His dunk on Wade was nuts though, gotta give him that.
  7. Nah, just gonna complain to complain even though my team has 0 to do with their future. Actually, nvm that definitely didn't make sense but still. I'm just gonna complain about their every move. I just don't like Cleveland. Aren't I entitled to that opinion?
  8. I'm for 2 years of college ball. There's obviously special cases like LBJ and Dwight but even then. Also, most of those guys would likely get at least an associate's degree from wherever they went to school which would help for life after basketball since not everyone gets 100 Mil contracts.
  9. Meh, I might just whine and complain about it all season even when it'll almost be an entire year since it happened.
  10. He played like ass in game 1, is that what you wanted to hear? And really, making this about fouls now? Miami shot less FT's than Chicago did!!
  11. I just really think he was trying to step up and be a leader..gotta be honest. I think we're looking into this one a bit more than necessary.
  12. And heeeere come the sour grapes. First off, he didn't really have a chance to close out game 1 since it was pretty much Chicago controlling the second half. Not sure how that makes any sense. He had a bad game, that doesn't mean he can't close. And there you go cranking up the excuse machine. Just admit it, the guy closed out the game. He scored like 9 straight or something like that and then played great D on Rose and Deng, maybe Wade had some free throws in between his buckets. And for your ref conspiracy, go ahead and look at the numbers. Then get back to me.
  13. Bibby did a great job against Rose..but LeBron and Wade did a tremendous job late in the game on him.
  14. Great game, but an ugly one. Pretty bad officiating on both sides. - WOW @ Udonis Haslem. That was [expletive]ing crazy. When he posterized Rose that was incredible. The slam on Bogans was sick too. What an impact he had tonight. He really was the difference. - We got a better game from Wade and LBJ tonight. Wade picked his spots and had that run where he scored like 6 or 8 straight points I believe. - Jaamal Magloire shat on Rose too. - LeBron can't close. See you Sunday.
  15. LBJ's only issue right now is his falling in love with the mid range jumper..its killing me knowing that he can get by whoever is on him whenever he wants.
  16. I kinda looked at it as him trying to step and just be a leader offering to take on their best player defensively. Nothing more than that. I doubt Spo would consider putting him on Rose full time, although I'd be for it in spurts.
  17. I think you're reaching with this lol. Serious nitpicking at his comment.
  18. Horrid officiating both way down the stretch. Durant drew more contact on that last no call than Dirk has on any of his calls.
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