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Everything posted by Flash

  1. I did it for a month but went right back to Flash.
  2. Unbelievable performance by Durant. Dude was absolutely unconscious at the end.
  3. What is with OKC and not giving Durant the ball down the stretch?
  4. No way he beat Vick straight up. This is a politically correct move for EA because they don't want to deal with the potential backlash from tree huggers and those who think dogs > humans. There's absolutely 0 chance he beat Mike Vick in fan voting unless PETA cast out a billion votes.
  5. Thank God we closed it out even with the bonehead tech by Wade at the end. Joel Anthony, the [expletive]ing Warden!! Absolutely love him and the energy he brings to our team. He's almost like a mini-Zo out there on defense. The dunk by Wade was dumb and was done out of frustration. I hope he apologized after which I'm sure he did. On to Boston. It seemed like we were on cruise control for the most part in this series. I met Juwan Howard on Monday and he basically said that was the case that they were already excited to face Boston and that the last win against them helped a lot because now the whole "we're playing Boston we have to be perfect" thing is gone from the team and they can just be loose. I expect a team much more focused team on Sunday.
  6. Lol and boom, there's the race card right on queue. It has 0 to do with racism. With other presidents we've never had any mystery as to who they were. We knew absolutely everything about Bush, even what fraternity he was in at Yale. The American people deserve to know who their president is.
  7. Because people had real suspicions. Unlike a lot of past presidents where we knew basically everything about them, a lot of Obama's past was kind of a mystery. I'm glad Trump did what he did because now all that suspicion is over and done with. As for the republican part, ECN has maintained that he thinks Obama was born in the US..and while people might not like the guys opinions, he knows his stuff when it comes to politics. Btw, can we has a politics subforum?
  8. Yep, they're through. Should be interesting to see how Pop handles the rebuilding process too. I'm not sure he's got the patience anymore to deal with it either.
  9. Lol no comment from anyone and already we have someone calling Republicans "ignorant". This is a whatever thing, not a huge deal because I'm pretty sure people thought he was a US citizen, they just wondered why we never saw any concrete evidence.
  10. Nice win for LA. Their team is just so deep that its beyond me how this series has been played so closely.
  11. Lol, so true. Smh @ Shannon Brown. Talk about an overreaction.
  12. It all depends on the offseason. I can see them coming up just short ending up with around 48 which is still good enough for 5th or 6th in the East. Just not sure how much room for improvement there is with that roster until 2012.
  13. Am I the only one who thought Paul should've gotten 3 shots there on that play a while back?
  14. Nice car man! Congrats. These new C classes (09-11) drive incredibly. I had an 09 just like that for my first lease which ended in December and got another one after that. Really awesome cars.
  15. Working on about an hour and a half of sleep right now. Studied till about 3:30 last night, went to bed and woke up at 5 to go play basketball at 6. Now I have to wash my car and my moms car in the nice Miami heat. Hopefully I'll be done by 10 or 11 so I can get a few hours of sleep back.
  16. If you do cardio and eat right, then yes.
  17. Durant just stormed off the court too. You know he's pissed as [expletive] right now lol. They're destroying Russell Westbrook on TNT right now too.
  18. He's so selfish...I never really realized how bad it was until this series lol.
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