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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Well, we didn't get Frank Martin but we hit a homerun hire. Jim Larranega is Miami's new head basketball coach. Absolutely love the hire.
  2. Jason Kidd needs to stop being such a good shooter.
  3. Off to New Orleans. It'll be interesting to see how game 3 goes. I think Nola takes it at home.
  4. Beats are the shit. I've had mine since they came out and absolutely love them.
  5. Smh, you just got here guy. Throwing out Y u mad bro's isn't going to get you anywhere.
  6. I used to love Sean Eliiot. What happened to you man...
  7. Lol, the Angel of Stern going at Okafor already.
  8. Because Durant is killin it this quarter, why not just feed him the ball? Westbrook will hit one, then miss his next 2 or three.
  9. The worst/gayest one is "happy holidays". It just comes across in a way that pisses me off lol.
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