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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Kobe also missing his last 6 shots down the stretch didn't help either.
  2. Listen to Tha Carter 1 and The Drought 3 and get back to me.
  3. Wayne would absolutely rip Wiz to shreds in a rap beef.
  4. I know Rose is the MVP and all, but CP3 >> Rose.
  5. GOT-PLEASE-RAPE-MY-FACE"] http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/7315833/IM-A-HUGE-%5Bexpletive%5DGOT-PLEASE-RAPE-MY-FACE.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Big-Baby
  6. Someone tell that fat queer to shut his mouth. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_swIwG4VUFl0/TEGt7eyrKeI/AAAAAAAAEhk/DlWA5kU1kXM/s1600/glen-davis-is-graceful.jpg http://uvtblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/glendavis1.jpg http://www.nba.com/media/finals2008/gdavisPort_627_080617.jpg He needs to shut his mouth and know his role as one would say.
  7. Zach Randolph puts so much touch on the ball its incredible. Love watching him play. It seems like every roll goes his way on the basket.
  8. If OJ Mayo gets his act together I think Memphis has a shot to take the series.
  9. Love the Uni's but I think the court might be a little too throwback. You need a balance of new and old school.
  10. http://thegoodiebagblog.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Tyga_Black_Thoughts_2-front-large.jpg I'll give it an 8/10. Definitely his best work so far.
  11. That's really impressive from the fans in Cleveland considering all the stuff that happened in the past year. Good for them.
  12. I'm kinda surprised that the Thunder were so low.
  13. If you wanna talk about shitty officiating, watch the call Dirk just got.
  14. Wade didn't make the free throw, and it made it a 5 point game.
  15. Lol maybe had there been that much contact that it would've forced Young to go back and maybe fall then I can buy it being a charge. But you're reaching with this example.
  16. That was anything but a charge. Pushing off? You could make the case. But a charge? Not on this planet.
  17. You're exaggerating the "kick". It didn't give Wade any separation at all. The bump by Young is what got the separation. The "kick" actually got Young on his side or his arm it looked like so it in no way helped out Wade at all if you really look at the replay. The ball was leaving Wade's hands as that happened.
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