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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Is this real life? Briana in a landslide.
  2. Christie is only doing this because IIRC, the state of NJ lost a billion dollars in federal funding which he now has to make up for somehow. Asking teachers to take a 1 year pay freeze isn't asking for much IMO and the union really should've worked with him on that.
  3. I'm all for paying teacher's more. I absolutely believe its one of the most important professions in the entire world. My problem is with tenure and what we base their wages on. I believe a Merit Pay type system where like in plenty of other professions, the teachers are paid based on their performance and effectiveness in the classroom would work wonders. Also, tenure, the way its set up now just isn't doing the students justice and a lot of good teacher's aren't being paid as much as they should Like ECN said, either re-vamp the entire system or just eliminate all together. The teacher's union wants no part of a merit pay system though. Why? I'm not sure.
  4. Oh cool, random insults because someone has a different opinion. No one said its easy. He simply said that their salary fits the amount of time they work in a year. My cousin is a teacher in NY, so I know what they have to do and what goes into being a teacher. I know all about lesson plans, grading papers, drawing up tests and getting everything prepared. However, that doesn't change the fact that we shouldn't feel bad for them or that they shouldn't be held accountable for their performance.
  5. This is Tiger's chance to make a run today. If Mcilroy putts poorly today then it opens things up for everyone else because you know he's going to strike it well. Tiger needs to take advantage if he gets an opening.
  6. And? So what? They knew what they were getting into before they chose the profession. Are we supposed to sit here and feel bad for them because they have to grade papers and write tests? And way to generalize about other professions and then act like teacher's don't have any free time at all lol. This whole little pseudo-intellectual act you're trying to put on isn't fooling anyone tool.
  7. True. He's the most overrated coach in America, I just used him to name a championship winning coach.
  8. That still doesn't hide the fact that he's an average coach when it comes to x's and o's. He's never won a title at the collegiate level. This isn't Coach K, Roy Williams, Rick Pitino or Bill Self we're talking about.
  9. Those were all vacated. This one seems the most legit out of all of them.
  10. This. His success has come as a result of having the most talent without a salary cap, which won't be the case in NY.
  11. http://thechiefest.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/lee-corso1.jpg
  12. Whoever plays Portland out of LA/Dallas is going to be in a dogfight the whole way with them. Definitely a potential upset in the first round.
  13. BTW, crisis averted as they reached an agreement for the rest of the fiscal year. The real fight over this is yet to come though.
  14. I agree with the point that teacher's don't just work 5 days and then go home and eat shit. However, lets not exaggerate either. I believe you need to have performance incentives not only to make the profession more appealing, but to improve the quality of education your kids are getting. I agree wholeheartedly with Christie on tenure. No matter how long you've been at a job, if you aren't doing your job the way someone else could be, you need to go. Its basically people paying someone's salary who isn't doing their job to the best of their ability.
  15. Chris Broussard really explains everything perfectly here. I really couldn't have said it better myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbdAXoopR9Q
  16. Lol, all about the celebrity factor. Cal is a horrific x's and o's guy.
  17. This. But just about everything else on her is pretty quality.
  18. The south might be bad, but the Mid-West might be the most racist part of the United States.
  19. http://www.clap.name/images/blog/d_wade.jpg
  20. If you aren't producing results as a teacher, then you deserve to have your position questioned, no matter how long you've been at a school.
  21. This is a touchy subject, so I'm going to try and be as politically correct as possible here. IMO, the only thing holding down blacks is black culture. It has become socially acceptable in the black community to speak poor english, dress like you're in the hood, disregard the importance of responsibility and education and plenty of other things that people associate with black culture today. The problem also doesn't only happen in the inner city either. A lot of middle class black families are also allowing their kids to act this way as well and its dragging down the black culture. IMO that is what causes the current stigma that people have towards blacks. The point is, is that there are a lot of negatives being allowed to be socially accepted in the black culture and that's why people have the views like they do. That's just my 2 cents on the matter.
  22. Christie talked to Diane Sawyer the other day on ABC news and his view on tenure is absolutely on point. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDsbKQrmY_g Really, really like this guy.
  23. Just saw that coach Lavin has prostate cancer. Good luck to him and hopefully he gets through this quickly.
  24. Sorry, I'm not one of those blame America for everything wrong in the world types. That stuff really doesn't have anything to do with why they hate us. Islamic radicals hate us because they think western culture is basically everything wrong with the world.
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