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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Lol, do you not understand that making peace with them doesn't work. They HATE us and western culture entirely. While I agree with your point of not getting involved in things that don't concern us, making peace with radical Islam in the middle east will never, ever work.
  2. Would you rather us not spend on National Defense? I'd say that's pretty important over other failed departments and programs that cost us more and more money every day. As for Chris Christie. He's a beast. The people of NJ are lucky to have someone willing to take on absurd public employee unions like he does. His fight against the teacher's union in NJ is amazing stuff. Dude doesn't play around.
  3. Uh,yeah...a quite successful one lol
  4. You should've just stopped talking to her. Its not meant to be, at least for right now so just cut off communication with her. I've had that problem more than a couple times and it sucks but I've learned that once you hit the friend zone and if you have real feelings for the girl..its better to just stop talking to them and move on. You'll be fine though, there's plenty of other girls out there and you've got plenty of time.
  5. I go on Worldstar all the time because some of the shit on there is [expletive]ing hilarious. However, I do see what you're saying about it promoting a certain image about Blacks. IMO, it only makes things worse in terms of race relations for most people. I couldn't care less though.
  6. WOAT comparison in the history of comparison's aside from anyone being compared to Mike.
  7. http://i55.tinypic.com/2a91kx3.png This can't end well...
  8. True, he is flying under the radar this year, but I think that puts less pressure on him and the Thunder which may be a good thing in the end.
  9. Kentucky, if Knight and Jones stay is going to be so scary. Wow. Them and UNC will be on a collision course for the title next year.
  10. JYD, come on man. You're better than posting things using Michael Moore...
  11. Ricky Rubio is who we (mostly myself and I think RD?) thought he was?
  12. That is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.
  13. Its not bad that people don't have a choice? Are you kidding me? Forcing someone into paying for health care is beyond absurd.
  14. I don't mean to pile on, JYD, because I understand your point. But I just wanted to point out the shortcomings of the system, mainly in Canada even though people seem to think its all good there.
  15. Even the guy who had a huge hand in creating the system says its a failure lol.
  16. There's a reason why more and more European countries are moving away from these practices. Canada's health care system is a major fail as well whether you guys will admit it or not. Socialized medicine = FAIL and more useless spending.
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