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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Na, I truly think the Russian and Hova convince Deron to sign the extension this summer and be their star going forward. You absolutely sign Jordan. He's got the potential to be a dominant force defensively with his athleticism. Think of him as Dwight Howard lite in a couple years.
  2. Like I said in the other thread, brilliant move and will undoubtedly pay off. Also, I have to say after the deserved early hype the Knicks have gotten during the trade deadline process, they look like the odd man out in 2012. I just don't see them being able to afford someone. The competition during the middle of this decade is going to be unreal. Miami/NY/NJ/Clippers/OKC/Chicago/Orlando all look like they will be contenders for a very long time after that summer. **Bart Scott voice** CAN'T WAIT!!
  3. LMAO @ Cleveland if this is true. Of all the drafts to stockpile picks for, they choose this one? Brilliant move by LA (did I just say that?). They now put themselves in position to become the true power in LA for a long time. CP3/Bledsoe Gordon (insert decent wing player here) Blake Griffin DeAndre Jordan Scary to say the least.
  4. ^^ Nice pickup. Deciding between these tomorrow: LeBron 8 "Entourage" http://sneakermestupid.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/nike-air-max-lebron-8-v2-entourage_02.jpg Jordan III "Black History Month" http://f5torefresh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/aj3-bhm-detailed-f5-1-560x419.jpg
  5. Since when does "being back" consist of being 2 games over .500 in the east?
  6. What don't you understand about the fact that the Knicks can't afford either point guard they want, even under the CBA we have now. Get it through your head, you aren't getting either one unless NO trades CP3 there which they can do better.
  7. Why? You're going to Brooklyn in a year and you have an owner and a front office that has shown that they are eager to win right now. This was a bold move by them and I think its going to pay off for them big time. Not to mention once he starts hanging out with Jay Z, he'll love it.
  8. I think it has more to do with him not being informed about it by Utah rather than where he was traded to. I think he wanted the same type of attention that Melo got.
  9. This is really good for Miami now that I think about it. The Knicks now have to put all their hopes into the CP3 basket and I'm not sure he ends up there to be honest. The Nets will be a very good team and the Knicks will have Amare and Melo but I don't really see anymore "super teams" being formed with 3 guys like we have. Either way, its a great time to be an NBA fan in the East.
  10. Doubt it, the Pacers are playing decent ball right now and I think they should stay as the 8th seed.
  11. I think Dallas has the best future of all those teams. Then you have the Clips if they hold on to Blake and Gordon. You have Houston who can make some moves down the line to get better, and Denver is better off than most rebuilding teams.
  12. Seems that way. The West is in good hands though with OKC down the line.
  13. HUGE for the Nets and for the Eastern Conference. Power is certainly beginning to shift East.
  14. Orlando seems like the front runner for him, but it would be interesting to see him wind up in Miami. I'd rather go get another big body at center.
  15. 21 for LBJ, 14 for Dwyane. Gotta love the intensity coming out of the gates after the All Star break.
  16. Scary. I think they're going to be more of a factor in the playoffs than most think.
  17. I would love for us to make a run at him but I don't think we'll have enough to get him.
  18. I don't think either one was headed there to begin with. I think D-Will goes to either Houston or Dallas and CP3 ends up in Orlando.
  19. You act as if its a guarantee that he's going to be a Knick lol. We don't know what the new CBA will look like and we don't know if New Orleans is going to trade him or not. I think you'll see the Nets make a real push along with some other teams you don't expect as of now. Not to mention the Lakers will always be involved.
  20. He's calling the shots again. Your thoughts Knick fans?
  21. Rihanna looks sooooooo fine in that video!
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