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Everything posted by Flash

  1. This was the best dunk contest since VC without a doubt. 3 of these guys brought it all out tonight, but the guy who won didn't deserve it at all. That's why everyone is disappointed.
  2. Ok, just got back from watching everything and as far as the dunk contest: - Ibaka was ROBBED. He jumped further than MJ and Dr. J did and he's 7'0 tall. Are you kidding me? That should've been at least a 48. - Griffin's dunks were garbage aside from the elbow in the rim. The first dunk was a regular [expletive] 360, the windmill was GARBAGE compared to what everyone else was throwing up. And that car dunk...Joel Anthony could've done that. That tells me all I need to know about that crap. - DeRozan's second dunk was better than anything Griffin did all night, his dunks were great. - McGee should've won the whole damn thing. The 3 balls was one of the best dunks I've ever seen. And the 2 hoop one was craaazy. He should've won by a landslide. At the end of the day. Griffin could've done 4 finger rolls and still won this thing by a mile. Absolutely terrible. /At least James Jones won the 3 point contest though.
  3. Dude shouldn't even have been in the finals. He was the worst out of the 4 but his hype machine is unreal. People are on his nuts because he plays in LA. DeRozan's second dunk was absurd. Ibaka definitely got robbed nasty. Dr. J looked pretty bitter after the dunk because it makes his look more overrated than it already was.
  4. Dampier has been outstanding this year for Miami. I think RD owes him an apology for saying he'd be nothing more than a fat slob lol.
  5. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wAxDMfEGhoY/TI6y4IuY8aI/AAAAAAAAAS8/NCjMIHtSW0E/s1600/Not+Sure+if+serious.jpg
  6. So T-Mac wasn't a superstar all those years in Orlando? GTFOH playoff series wins hardly make you a superstar. If so, then crown Derek Fisher. Also, rofl @ CP3 being overrated.
  7. LBJ, Kobe, Wade, Durant, Dwight, Chris Paul, Deron, D-Rose. Then you have the guys like Blake, Bosh, Melo, etc.
  8. And? That's expected from superstars in this league. Crowning a 42 point game from a top 10 player makes no sense to me. This should be expected from him in big games.
  9. Any professor who cares the least big about a student texting just takes it as a slight to them because most college professors have a ridiculously overinflated ego. They're all [expletive]s for the most part, but there's always those 1 or 2 professors who are cool, down to earth guys.
  10. http://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/581137/wade3.jpg
  11. .50, how is everything with your sister? She doing any better?
  12. CP3 should take it. I'd say Wall but he's not as good a passer IMO and CP3's jumper is better.
  13. Its times like that when I wish Udonis was playing.
  14. Don't do cardio. You'll burn the fat off in the gym, but cardio is only going to make you lose weight instead of gain it. Lift, and get on a weight gainer would be my advice. I went from 185 to 210 in a few months. It was insane.
  15. Good luck with everything, 50. Keep us updated on how she's doing!
  16. Well I work at a sneaker store so I get a sweet discount on every pair I buy. So whatever I get from my paycheck, I use that to buy myself a new pair whenever something comes out that I like.
  17. He did his post game interview and then as he's walking off the floor he gets booed by everyone that's left in the building. Then he goes to half court it looked like and blew kisses to the entire crowd and motioned for them to keep booing. Dude was loving it.
  18. That's pretty good. Look it up on google. I'm sure some people online can answer it better than I could.
  19. 41-15 going into the break. Would've liked to have a few more wins early on but I'll gladly take that record.
  20. Cardio and legs. Cardio is very, very important to getting cut.
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