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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Well its been about an hour since the game ended. Maybe we'll get a strongly worded letter about the game?
  2. I was hoping it would get physical. I knew it was over when they were actually joking around with LeBron though. Way to send a message to your fans there lol. I'd be pissed off at that team if I were a Cavs fan.
  3. Posted pic above summarizes it perfectly lol.
  4. Please bro, get off the high horse. Everyone on this site has talked endless [expletive] about Miami for months now, if you wanna start talking about class, then check yourself before you go pointing the finger at other people.
  5. Some gems off of niketalk: http://d.yimg.com/a/p/sp/getty/f9/fullj.214a851610774b9264e5b7fea34d28f8/214a851610774b9264e5b7fea34d28f8-getty-103893624gs018_miami_heat_v.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/vxc392.jpg I lol'd at the one with Gilbert in it.
  6. Lol, hate coming from the same fanbase that was doing these things for LeBron at one point: http://media.silive.com/advance/price/photo/lebron-james-to-knicksjpg-1f6f96d0255e4ced_large.jpg http://media.silive.com/knicks_blog/photo/ap-knicks-fans-lebronjpg-b2a1433c9b3bae0d_large.jpg http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/2010/images/03/02/lebron-james.jpg I can keep going if you want..The fact is, that you wouldn't be hating at all had LBJ gone to New York and you'd be loving every second of beating the team who's fanbase has trashed him nonstop since July 8.
  7. It was a joke? How bout you go look back and see what the u mad picture was a response to.
  8. The same superstar the Knicks did whatever they could to get?

  9. Lol, its classless to be happy that my team won?
  10. Exactly. We got the win, what else do you want? Hell yea it was good to see us beat the [expletive] out of them after all the craziness surrounding this game. /On to the next one.
  11. I don't think he gives a [expletive] at this point.
  12. Keep hating then. We got the W, that's all that matters.
  13. He's murdering them right now. This is absolutely awesome to watch. He should grab the mic after the game and start rapping, "Cleveland, tell me how my [expletive] tastes."
  14. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1870/umade.png
  15. That'd be the ultimate F you to Cleveland and I'd love it. I wish these guys would have that UM of the 80's type mentality. Hopefully we blow them the [expletive] out.
  16. ^^They aren't selling bottles tonight.
  17. Whipple's system didn't help either. RS had to go though.
  18. If we have this much money to throw at someone...I think we should really make an effort at Harbaugh although it'll be tough to get him to leave Stanford. We were prepared to make Gruden the second highest paid coach in the country though so I'd expect Harbaugh to get the same type of money.
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