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Everything posted by Flash

  1. After listening to it front to back at least 10 times since Monday. 1. All of The Lights - That interlude is amazing and then when the song starts, its my favorite part of the album. Even with Fergie's part its still the best song on there. 2. Dark Fantasy - Nicki on the intro is awesome and he kills the opening track. 3. Devil in a New Dress - most underrated song on the album. 4. Gorgeous - Love it. Cudi is perfect on the hook and Raekwon's part is dope. 5. Blame Game - Could easily be number 1. The Chris Rock part at the end is hilarious. 6. Hell of a Life - Awesome beat and the song just flows. 7. Monster - Nicki steals this one. She went haaaard. 8. Runaway - Another underrated track on the album. I love Pusha's verse. 9. So Appalled - Doesn't really fit the album, but Jay's part is dope. 10. Power - Old, but still a hard [expletive] song. 11. Lost in the World - Too 808's-ish for me but I like it. Not one bad track on the album and easily the best album of the year.
  2. Its not like this stance on Spo is anything new. His handling of Michael Beasley was horrific. He's never instituted a real offensive system because he had Wade to carry his [expletive] for 2 seasons while playing the best ball of his career. I hope Rothstein follows him right out the door as well.
  3. The players. At that point you'd have to decide whether to stick it out another season, or if not just blow the thing up. However, I don't think it'll get this bad under Riley. I really believe he's the right coach for this team. Did you guys see Spo's halftime speech against Boston? The guy sounded like he was reading a eulogy.
  4. Wade isn't having a terrible season. That's definitely an overreaction. He has been sick the past 3 games and you could tell something was not right with him last night. He'll be fine.
  5. Because he's been garbage for almost 200 games now, if not more.
  6. Agree with most of what you said Nitro. It all goes back to commanding respect, which is crucial for a team like this. Spo doesn't command any while Riley commands all of your respect.
  7. They're going through a rough patch. I don't think it has anything to do with team chemistry or how much they like one another. When you lose on a buzzer beater and then get beat down at home by an average team, that isn't fun at all.
  8. There's no excuse to lose at home to the Pacers...none at all.
  9. We'd wipe N. Korea off the map within a day. I don't think we should be worried much about this.
  10. Not a fan of the blue on the sides. The jersey overall is pretty sick though.
  11. I'd cut Stackhouse. He does nothing for this squad especially with Miller coming back in about a month.
  12. Mike Brown > Spo. Yeah I said it. LeBron is a 2 time MVP and has been to the Finals. He's proven a lot in this league.
  13. IMO, we missed a golden opportunity this offseason when we could've hired Byron Scott. He would've been PERFECT to lead a team like this. Even if it were just Wade and Bosh and LBJ had never come along. Once the season ended I would've made that hire without thinking twice.
  14. Pittman was impressive in the pre-season. I know we don't usually play young guys but he could really make a difference with his size down low. I am definitely in favor of letting him get some minutes.
  15. I don't think its just motivating them though. They don't respond to the guy and its shown all season. A proven winner at every level like Riley is what's needed here. Someone these guys can respect and respond to under adversity. I have no faith that when things are going bad for this team, that Spo is the type of person who can get them to respond positively. Bron's defense was solid tonight. Wade got caught cheating a lot defensively. He gambled waaay too much instead of getting to work defensively and staying on Rush. Indiana also set a ton of great screens tonight which Wade couldn't fight through at all.
  16. Brunch at my cousin's house Football Eat more Take a huge [expletive] Dinner Pumpkin Pie Take a huge [expletive] Play NBA 2k11 till like 3 Wake up at 7 for work frown 8AM-9PM.
  17. I'm sorry, but Doc is a hell of a motivator, played in the NBA(huge factor here) and knows how to get through to his guys. Jerry Sloan has taken teams to the NBA Finals and would have won a few had it not been for #23. This team needs a motivator. Someone who can rally them together and get them to play hard every second of every game. Spo doesn't command respect from anyone, not even his own coaching staff. That's a huge problem for me and is part of what I've said all along. He's not the right type of coach for this team.
  18. Team comes out flat yet again. Its clear that Spo isn't reaching these guys because they don't respect him. Is there any doubt that he needs to get the axe at this point? Dude is ridiculously in over his head.
  19. This can go right between LR and Dropout for me to be honest. He reeeeally outdid himself on this one. The music is so perfect, and the lyrics don't disappoint either. Me personally, I still think Late Registration is his best work, followed by this and then Dropout, Graduation and 808's.
  20. As lazy and out of shape as he is...he'll still make a difference underneath. We needed him regardless.
  21. This is a must win. If we lose I expect Spo gone by tomorrow.
  22. Perfect album. I don't think any other album this year even comes close.
  23. Wow. That's really saddening stuff right there. RIP to the little boy and prayers go out to his family.
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