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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Big run from the opposing team at home. That's probably to be expected this year since every team will be gunning for us. It's beyond me how Spo still isn't using Bosh on high pick and rolls, rather than posting him up where he's simply not comfortable. Wade and LBJ need to start getting aggressive.
  2. I think the Heat defense wins this one on the road. Paul will get his but I don't think NO has enough firepower to stay with us for 4 quarters. Hopefully I'm right and we get another big win early in the season.
  3. Get over it. I got the stats from game 5 wrong. Crucify me lol. The point remains the same any way you try and spin it.
  4. Did you see Jamison in that series? You cannot be serious even considering him as a possible good teammate at that time. Jamison had one good game. Mo was by no means a good 2nd option in comparison to the guys that MJ, Kobe, Wade and Duncan have had.
  5. So then I guess Michael's 15 point performance, AS THE MAN against the Knicks in 89 makes him that much less of a player right?
  6. LeBron commands the ball because he was the best playmaker on that team, hands down. Its not him demanding the ball, that comes naturally because he's the best passer and scorer on the team. They could have won in spite of the TO's had he had anyone good around him. That's why now in Miami we're 4-1 despite this new role for him and the turnovers because the team is stacked.
  7. http://cdn2.knowyourmeme.com/i/3375/original/cool-story-bro.jpg?1244744914 The point is still the same. The joke sucks and anyone trying to discredit his performance is a joke.
  8. All I was saying is that unemployment still hasn't changed. Meaning that touting the small gains in private sector job growth doesn't mean we're doing that much better if our unemployment rate is still the same. And no, more government than we already have will bankrupt us even faster than the fools in charge now are on pace for.
  9. Got the stat wrong from what I heard in the video. I'll admit my mistake on that one. However, you definitely weren't joking about the Pierce thing. And if you were, then your jokes are [expletive]ty. Even with those 9 turnovers, all it would take is having teammates worth a [expletive] for them to take that game. One guy can't do it alone. Those 9 turnovers come from having the ball in his hands for the majority of every possession and trying to force things late when his team couldn't get anything going.
  10. It didn't because he's that good of a player that he played through it. If you think it didn't hurt while he was passing then idk what else to say to you. He finished with 21/11 in game 5 and then 27/19/10 in game 6. How is that not good enough? lol @ the backpedal on the Pierce comment.
  11. Yet unemployment still sits at 9.6%.
  12. Please TCU beat the piss out of them.
  13. LBJ also had a triple double the game after, while injured. Keep trying to discredit the guys performance though. No one is questioning how good the Jordan game was or how tough MJ is.
  14. He never blamed anything on the elbow, nor used it as an excuse. He did everything he could. Look at the stats. Double double in game 5 and a triple double in game 6. And LMFAO @ using Paul Pierce. The biggest flopper/faker in the league right now. His whole my vagina hurts let me go to the locker room shtick is already worn out.
  15. No, you didn't use the exact words but you basically discredited the guy's performance with a bum elbow only to show a meaningless video of Jordan playing injured as well that had nothing to do with the conversation.
  16. You don't use your elbow when you shoot? When you dribble? Jordan's was probably worse but to say LBJ wasn't injured is ridiculous.
  17. Oh my bad, wrong game. He still had a double double lol. Dude was playing injured too but he's a quitter, you guys are right.
  18. He's not the top corner ever. Maybe in terms of coverage/ball skills but give me Rod Woodson as the better overall corner.
  19. Full of truth? If quitting is considered a triple double in game 5 almost going for 20 boards too then give me that quitter on my team any day. No one here is being cocky, its just that this victim card is getting old already. We've heard it all before from them. The guy didn't do anything wrong, he had the right to leave. He's already said that looking back, he probably would've made his decision differently. LOL @ "no nothing Miami fan" and "accurate" observations on Romo.
  20. http://images.starcraftmazter.net/4chan/for_forums/butthurt2.jpg That's what this video is full of.. So Fish, had LBJ picked NY would you be hating on him so hard? No. You'd be riding him harder than you do Romo.
  21. They didn't bail out. They had things they needed to take care of seeing that just about all those guys aside form Kobe (knee) were working out new contracts. Wade had a custody fight on his hands as well and Melo was getting married. That FIBA team was a chance for the guys next to Durant to showcase themselves for Colangelo and Coach K to see who they wanted coming off the bench.
  22. Niice. My parents are going to that one. I really wanted to go though to see D-Will play but I got plenty more this year.
  23. News flash: Bush has been out of office for 2 years now. Maybe you can hold the current admin. responsible for a change now. Its not about favoring anyone either. Stop [expletive]ing about how these policies favor the rich. We want what's best for the country as a whole, not one group of people. Enough of the victim card.
  24. The whole point of stopping these policies is because they're hurting our country. What don't you people realize about that? The American people, because there are Americans outside of OTR, DO NOT WANT his policies to go into effect. While you guys might think they're good, the majority of America thinks they suck.
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