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Everything posted by Flash

  1. It was horrible. It took me an hour to get from 32nd street to 16th. I missed my first class because of the traffic.
  2. I haven't seen anyone bash it in this thread...
  3. That's what they were elected to do. Stop his policies from going through. This comes as a surprise? Also, lol @ MSNBC. Those goofballs were basically crying Tuesday night when the results were coming out. Matthews, Olbermann and Maddow can all DIAF.
  4. Gordon is the only one there who I could see making it because he's such a gifted scorer. However, by that time I think Wall will have already passed Rose TBH and his defense in the passing lanes is a huge reason why.
  5. Well we'd still win but the other guys actually represented us and played in the Olympics. So they should be the first choice.
  6. Probably some of the funniest [expletive] I've ever read and they definitely seem like they're all true. You really can't make that stuff up. His new book came out recently and I'm sure its better than his first. http://www.tuckermax.com/
  7. Again, I definitely wanna do one. I'm sure there would be some interesting questions lol.
  8. No reason for us not to win Gold for a very, very long time. CP3/D-Will/Westbrook or Wall Kobe/Wade/B-Roy? Durant/Melo/Gay LeBron/Bosh/Amare Dwight/Lopez/Cousins That's what I think our roster for 2012 will look like.
  9. You seem to be the only one who thinks so. Then again, I'm not surprised given your hate for anything Miami.
  10. They didn't do anything wrong. They simply ruled that Sharia Law, nor any international law cannot be used in a court ruling there. Good for them. The constitution is the law of the land in this country.
  11. Because the NBA doesn't need to go overseas. Like someone said above, if it ain't broke don't fix it. I'm also not sure its good for basketball as a whole. Especially if there's a European influence on the NBA game. I don't think that's for the good of the league.
  12. I'd like to see them play a real team first.
  13. Most politicians don't actually get into big time Washington politics until their mid 40's early 50's. And Allen West, a black Republican from Florida was elected the other night. There's other I believe but the fact is that most politicians end up being middle-aged white men.
  14. So wait, let me get this straight. You would've preferred we had done nothing at all after 9/11?
  15. This is a bad idea not just for the NBA, but for the game itself.
  16. Its not about what's boring dude. Its about what's going to fix our nation. Just because Obama is a great speaker and because he's black doesn't make him a great candidate. He could be a feel good story but what people want is our country to get better under him and it simply hasn't.
  17. Had we seen even marginal improvement then we might have a different election the other night. However, can you honestly and unbiasedly say that America is in a better place than it was 2 years ago? Unemployment is up even more and Obama has spent more than all other US Presidents put together in 2 years. Its out of control and the people have realized that. The results last night were also a reflection of how the country as a whole feels about Obamacare. Whether some people on here like it or not, its a flawed system and there are European countries that are moving further and further away from it because it simply isn't working. Even the man who created the Canadian healthcare system admitted its in a crisis and advocated privatizing it. Also, Republicans have admitted their failure. I think that's a huge reason as to why they're getting the chance they are because a lot of the new faces have condemned the out of control Bush regime.
  18. Seriously? The race card? That's one of the more ignorant things I've read in this thread.
  19. See I disagree with you there. Race relations and murder in general are different than actual threats to our nation's security. We absolutely did the right thing by going in on Afghanistan and the war on terror. Iraq could be looked at in 2 ways IMO. The first is that it was unnecessary and has played a role in why our country is in such bad shape today. Or, you can look at it as the US knocking out a very powerful regime and that IMO is definitely for the better of the world moving forward. Like I said though, there's 2 ways to look at Iraq but thankfully Bush was able to send the troop surge towards the end of his presidency and win it for us. The same strategy Obama is using now against Afghanistan which I completely support.
  20. Obviously not because they don't seem to be liking him very much. Unemployment has risen under the Obama Admin. Obviously the Bush admin was in control when the recession began but its time to stop blaming Bush. We're 2 years in to this administration and unemployment is higher than it was and our economy isn't any better. Stop blaming Bush and start being accountable for what's going on.
  21. This was exactly my thought when I looked at it.
  22. Because if you actually read that article, and then actually believe it all I can do it laugh. You really think some Cleveland radio host has "inside information" of what goes on down here? I don't think so.
  23. 2012 all depends on Obama and his willingness to work with the new GOP House. As I said above, if he does what Clinton did then he has a good chance at re-election (God, help us) but if he doesn't I can see someone like Gary Johnson knocking him off. Anyways, last night was a great night for Republicans and is definitely a reflection of the mood of this country. If I'm not mistaken, there were record gains last night for the GOP. Its also a reflection IMO of the way people feel let down by this current administration. All this hope was promised to our country 2 years ago but here we are right now and we're in an even worse position than we were before. The people basically said no to government controlled medicine and that IMO was very good to see.
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