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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Or you can look at his political stances and decide on that. Take a look at Alex Sink's record too. Not so squeaky clean either.
  2. Oh no? He's already spent more money than all other US Presidents combined and run up our deficit even more. and lol @ lkr using one gaffe from O'Donnell. We can play that game all day if you want.
  3. Well that's your opinion, apparently the rest of the country seems to be favoring them so I guess all of America is retarded. Maybe you should move out of the US then? Examples?
  4. MB putting in serious work in this thread right now. Not sure about those stats though but it would be interesting to see the numbers on that.
  5. Drop the censor but keep the N-word censored like others said. I think most people on here are mature enough to choose wisely when and when not to curse.
  6. I agree with you there, but its undeniable that there's a rising sense of entitlement among the lower class in this country.
  7. It goes both ways though, yes the CEO's don't have the workforce without those willing to put in hard labor, but those workers don't have a job without that CEO. If those people don't want to work for the CEO then there's going to be people lining up to take those jobs because they need a paycheck and then those who left the job will be out there looking for work in a time where not many people are hiring.
  8. I don't make excuses for Bush as he wasn't great to be honest, but I don't think any other POTUS would have done much better after 9/11. That was a MAJOR blow to our country. Not just Obama supporters, but many Dems running for office right now aren't running on the Obama agenda at all rather staying away from Obamacare and Cap & Trade.
  9. http://www.firetedthompsonnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/ted_crosshairs.jpg
  10. They already give back more than anyone else does. And judging by the rest of your post you make them sound like heartless bastards who don't care about anyone else. However, it'd be interesting to see the statistics of those people who give to charities and have their own foundations and see how much income they make per year.
  11. MB is spot on with that post. There's a difference between being well-off and then being rich. I also laughed at Fish's post about greed. So say I'm making around 150k a year, if I'm offered a job that pays 200k I shouldn't take it because that's me being greedy? It can't be that I want an even better life for me and my family? GTFOH.
  12. Also, how many tackles are there on Sunday's and Monday's? 100+ I'd assume? To make rule changes based on 3 or 4 isolated incidents its ridiculous.
  13. The only bad helmet to helmet hit was the hit Brandon put on Heap. The others were just guys playing football. Stuart Scott made the best point he's probably ever made on SC last night. He said that these guys don't have to play in the NFL, its their choice and their privilege. No one is forcing them to do this considering all of them went to college. The phrase "devastating hits" is so vague too. They're playing football, let them play the game the way it was meant to be played.
  14. http://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/449765/kobe-1.jpg
  15. How much is the cost of living out there?
  16. I think those in the mainstream will accept whatever he throws out because of who he is. However, I think he needs to go back to his old style. They were LOVING it back when he was releasing the LP's and I think if he went back to it he'd truly be back.
  17. Because things have only gotten worse under someone who promised so much and inspired so many people.
  18. This isn't the same GOP as it was in recent years. With the tea party rising and true conservatives gaining a lot of momentum I think you'll see a different type of Republican party, at least that's what I'm hoping for. In recent memory there were a lot of people running on the Republican platform but weren't true conservatives.
  19. Everyone is feeling the effects of the economy whether you believe it or not. Those making 250k are already paying more than those making 75k are they not? I don't think increasing taxes right now is going to improve anything.
  20. Well, if one group is not doing their job right then that's when you need to make a change. Just like last time the GOP controlled the house in 06. It'll be interesting to see how this new, truly conservative movement does in Washington if they are elected.
  21. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=39460 One can only hope.
  22. They might be able to afford it, but its still a ton of money coming out of their pockets and in a time of uncertainty in our economy I don't think we should see any tax increases on anyone. If we were in a time of a little economic stability then I could see maybe, just maybe a small increase being reasonable. I just don't think its right to make the ones who pay the most already to pay even more. This won't affect the big millionaires/billionaires but those on the fringe will be affected more than you think.
  23. I just don't see the point in increasing taxes on any group during this economic climate.
  24. Am I the only one who thinks that Recovery is being severely overrated? I love Em and have listened to him since I was a little kid but I feel like the hype the album is getting comes from the fact that its Eminem finally making decent music again. It wasn't anything special to be honest.
  25. That was tough to watch after Pettitte left the game. Lee pitched a heck of a game though.
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