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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Lol, jk here it comes from a random blocking call.
  2. Its unbelievable to be honest. Matthews, Barnett, Harris, Bigby, Morgan Burnett, Pickett. Those are all starters aside from Burnett.
  3. Good thing they didn't call our center for lining up directly in line with the goal post or something like that.
  4. LOL @ shotgun on 4th a 1 from their 1. Where was this on second and third down?
  5. McCarthy would rather use our backup FB on all 3 downs.
  6. Never thought I'd do this...but +1 on all 3 points.
  7. LOL @ the Cowboys fan talking [expletive] right now.
  8. You seriously just changed the thread title? C'mon dude you can't be serious..
  9. He's a part of the administration is he not? It was their decision to continue to enforce the laws even though Cali will most likely legalize weed. No matter who said it I would've posted the same thing because its the administration who is going to make the decision. Yes, the Bush thing was a tiny jab, forgive me. Obama isn't to blame for the oil leak but the response to it could have been better and I think both sides can agree on that.
  10. Holder is the attorney general of the US, thus a part of the Obama administration...
  11. Why do I feel like we should be ahead in this game?
  12. That was a heck of a play but Marshall was having his way with him on the TD drive. Anyways, the defense looks OK without Clay but we're definitely missing him. Rodgers looks solid and I think we can move the ball at will on them. A double digit half-time lead would be nice.
  13. Na the shirt is an exclusive at Sole Fly. Its crazy though.
  14. Way to keep Williams one on one vs. Marshall
  15. That's pretty ridiculous but whatever its only the first poll. Just another reason as to why we need a playoff.
  16. It was one per person but I don't really mind. I love the shoe and the shirt is crazy.
  17. Sitting outside of Niketown right now lol I'm third in line. I just got here and it opens at 10
  18. http://http.cdnlayer.com/itke/blogs.dir/96/files/2009/06/lee-corso.jpg\ Depends on what you call Southern hip-hop. Bun-B is great though. I've liked the majority of the songs I've listened to by him but I'll admit I haven't heard the CD yet.
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