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Everything posted by Flash

  1. What are some of your political beliefs and why do you believe them? It would be interesting to see everyone's actual views. I'll list mine later, its too late right now.
  2. Solid game from Bron and Bosh yet again. The second unit was solid and it took the bums/fighting for a roster spot guys to lose the 20 points lead we had. I'm so impressed with Bosh so far. He's been getting so many open looks because teams collapse on LBJ. It should only get better for him once D comes back.
  3. This season is probably going to end on a boring note. Mike didn't act like he normally does on last night's show which was weird. He for sure smashed the most chicks while they were here though.
  4. No he's all about abiding by the constitution which is what our country goes further and further away from every day.
  5. Like what? Lower taxes, smaller government? Strengthen small businesses in the private sector that create jobs? Yeah, that's such a terrible thing right? Then what's Obama? Last time I checked, he ran as a moderate and he's been FAR from that.
  6. Love Cousins, love his competitive nature but its also his biggest fault at times. But if he can channel all of it and put it to good use, then he's going to be scary for a very long time.
  7. Right now, Rose. In 2 years, Wall. I have no doubt he'll be a superstar.
  8. For this season? Definitely not. But how many more years do you guys see LA being at the top of the league considering Kobe is getting up there in age and Bynum's inconsistency health-wise.
  9. Actually, the Democrats have held both houses for a very long time. 8 years I believe or something close to it.
  10. Its a shame that D-Wade can't play in this one. It'll be interesting to see how much LeBron and Bosh play. I doubt they play as much as they did against Detroit but then again, they need as much time on the court together as possible before the season starts.
  11. Can't wait for tomorrow. Looks like its gonna be a sellout crowd which will make it even crazier. No Lamar Miller though for Miami so someone else has to step up in the return game.
  12. I'm still waiting on a legit reason as to why you think she's a bad candidate as opposed to Donald Trump. Maybe a policy of hers you don't like?
  13. He was handed the seat lol. Read up on how he won that election and tell me if it sounds legit.
  14. Of course. This Lakers team will be fine, but they need to get healthy. How long till Kobe is back at 100%?
  15. http://www.gogaminggiant.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/facepalm.jpg Seriously dude?
  16. Are you serious? What does being a law professor have to do with politics? You're crowning a community organizer?! Please. At least Palin held an actual political position.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap2Cg_FDRy4 See how easy that is? She's actually held political office before. She wasn't some "community organizer".
  18. I was there too for that game. That was the most fun team to watch down the stretch of that season and then in the playoffs.
  19. My entire life actually. Its all good though. Back to the game, has there been a more valuable player in baseball for the past 15 years or so than Mariano Rivera?
  20. Kerry Wood with a great 8th inning. Time for the GOAT to do his thing?
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