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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Yeah dude the teachers don't give a [expletive] about you at our school dude. Its get to class, talk in circles for 50 or 75 minutes and then leave early.
  2. http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv99/SeeYouInMyNightmares/1275113952626.gif
  3. I've been calling this for a while now. He's got a chance at GOAT status or close to it. He's only 22.
  4. He'll take anything at this point being stuck in the friend zone.
  5. Nitro said it perfect. Kobe is the NBA's most popular player and has been for some time. I just don't consider him the most hated. And the same can't be said for LBJ?
  6. Same here man. I'm in class from 10-6 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
  7. Oh God, the Europeans are looking down on me? What will I ever do to get over this? Lol, its not just one person who shares the views of radical Islam. Also, my whole Religion of peace comment was directed towards the story that AI fan posted.
  8. Yeah, let's just sit there and do nothing after they kill 3,000 innocent Americans. The priests who have committed those offenses are usually dealt with. This isn't just a small group of people and you know it.
  9. http://yeah-hi.com/files/cool-story-bro.jpg
  10. This isn't just one person. I understand that not all Muslims are like this, but stop being an apologist for radicals who want to destroy our country.
  11. I just don't understand why everything has to be taken to an extreme. They burn our flag, cross and the Bible but are we calling for their heads?
  12. Yeah...real peaceful. Don't look if you're squeamish. Oh yeah, that's a US soldier btw. http://www.usvetdsp....bridge_hung.jpg
  13. I understand, but right now, he's definitely not the most hated player anymore and ended up winning over the fans again now and is the most respected player in the game. So when its all said and done he's not going to be remembered for the trial. LeBron however is getting destroyed by the media and even those in the basketball community for switching teams. His jersey was burned on live national television. So as of right now its LeBron IMO.
  14. You act as if Kobe got no support. He's not hated anymore at all either. If anything he's the hero right now with LBJ being the NBA's villain. Honorable mention goes to the Bad Boys.
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/11/backs-b-loan-mexico-oil-drilling-despite-obama-moratorium/ This I don't get at all tbh. Why are we giving more money to let someone else drill when over 60,000 people in this country rely on drilling for jobs?
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-13/iran-ayatollahs-issue-fatwa-calling-for-killing-those-who-burn-the-koran.html
  17. LeBron James. Him switching teams has gotten a worse reaction that Kobe's rape case.
  18. Romo had a decent game, but he's lucky that LaRon Landry is a bust and that Rogers didn't catch that wabbler he threw up. The Dallas OL ends up costing them the game and I can't say I'm surprised.
  19. I'm ready to go. Excited to see just how good this team can be. Can't wait for the home opener.
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