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Everything posted by Flash

  1. lol, the beach is gonna be ridiculous this weekend. I'm definitely going to whatever the Heat has tomorrow to announce all this.
  2. The more talking heads from ESPN I see saying Miami makes me believe its gonna be NY. Not getting my hopes up at all.
  3. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w201/TaylrMayd/Funny%20Pics/StylinOnU.jpg
  4. No one who told me anything I heard mentioned seeing him in public. Either way, everything we were fed today was BS or its a massive cover-up by ESPN.
  5. Saw the same thing. He could've flown out after that but I'm not sure. Maybe this is ESPN's way of covering up the Bucher report?
  6. Now Broussard is saying he was in Cleveland tonight. If that ends up being the case then I'll gladly admit I was wrong but I still believe he's in Miami right now.
  7. Like I said before, you don't have to believe me.
  8. New rumor is that its gonna be Chalmers and Beaz for Miller. That'd be epic.
  9. Can you blame him for leaving though? One guy can only do so much as we've seen with that team the past 2 seasons and with Miami and Chicago both getting substantially better, it was time for him to go. The ones who failed here is the Cavs front office, not LeBron or the fans.
  10. Just wait for the pretend analyst(s) to come in here and talk about how our spacing would be bad and our bench would suck.
  11. Its gotta be one of 2 things. Either they're finalizing the deal with all 3 and figuring out the distribution of the $$ or ESPN is just trolling. And that would be extremely gay.
  12. The rumor was that they were all going to dinner tonight at Prime 112 but none of them showed up. I think they're in the Triple A as we speak meeting with Riley. The Miami New Times reported that LeBron is staying in Downtown Miami tonight as well.
  13. Its not gonna come back. You can bet that Mav Carter called up ESPN and told them to get that the hell off the ticker.
  14. This is the piece of info I heard today.
  15. They aren't gonna say anything about because they don't wanna kill all the suspense for their 1 hour special tomorrow.
  16. I don't doubt that he's here...because he is. But I just haven't seen it on ESPN or on the radio.
  17. Not seeing anything on my ESPN.
  18. Lol, you don't have to believe me I really don't care whether you do or not. Why would I go out of my way to lie about that?
  19. Because the OP was lying about it being on ESPN but he's not lying about him being in Miami.
  20. I can't give you an ESPN type source. But that's been the talk of the town today in Miami and 2 different people that are extremely well connected in Miami have told me he's here.
  21. No he isn't. LBJ's been in Miami all day.
  22. He's been here all day. He met with Arison around 3:30.
  23. Back and Bi today: 3 sets of pull-ups till you cant 3 sets of bent over rows: 65 lbs x 10 3 sets of seated rows: 100 lbs x 10 3 sets of lat pull downs: 90 lbs x 10 3 sets of barbell bicep curls: 65 lbs x 10 3 sets of dumbell bicep curls on an incline: 35 lbs x 10 3 sets of 15 sit-ups with a 25 lb weight 3 sets of the crunches machine: 90 lbs x 15
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