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Everything posted by Flash

  1. There's no way Avery Bradley goes in the top 10. Other than that I think the only other reach might be Bledsoe but that's about it.
  2. Glad he's okay. You never like to see that happen. Classy move by Alex.
  3. If it were Nas rapping these same lyrics it'd be GOAT though.
  4. Fair enough. That sounds like a great idea actually Fish. I'll put it up tonight.
  5. I'm just not a huge fan of Turner's game and I think Favors can be a better Amare. The comparison on DraftExpress is pretty solid as pre-injury McDyess. To me, Turner doesn't strike me as being like Roy all that much because Roy's shot is infinitely better than Turners so since neither are explosive athletes, Turner will most likely need to improve that shot of his. He also turns the ball over quite often. Favors has the higher ceiling and if you can deal Brand and insert Favors into that 4-spot right away he's got a chance to be special.
  6. I guess I just wasn't impressed in comparison to Wall.
  7. Just heard the new Yeezy track...10.
  8. OMG. That [expletive] was insane.
  9. All he's gotta do is roid up again after the movie finishes.
  10. ^^We'll see. I hope its successful because as a fan I wanna see the best game possible. I'm just not getting my hopes up.
  11. This place did just fine. http://www.tropical-adventure.com/travelguide/archives/images/the-drive.jpg
  12. It'll still happen but you cant deny that [expletive]ty weather would hinder some of the things that would go down during the week.
  13. The biggest part of the week besides the game is the parties and activities leading up to the game. Because you wanna see the 2 best teams at their best, not 10-3 defensive struggle because of the weather conditions limiting the teams. LOL @ this whole no excuse approach because its convenient to use it now that the northeast got the Super Bowl.
  14. Paul Pierce is such a [expletive] lmao.
  15. I'd say the snow/rain is a bigger advantage than playing in the sun wouldn't you? I just think, in the biggest game of the year why would you want to risk the chance of their being extreme weather rather than play it safe in another big city where conditions are more likely to be favorable. Also, LOL @ the panzies comment because people want the game to be played in normal weather.
  16. The Super Bowl should never be played outside of Miami, Cali and New Orleans.
  17. C'mon bro. People have a legitimate gripe with the SB being in most likely poor weather conditions. I know you're excited because you're part of the country got the SB but all this bring back the old generation crap is weak.
  18. If you don't want them to admire their HR, don't let it happen. That's how I look at it.
  19. http://www.seeklogo.com/images/W/wade_county-logo-5E865F776A-seeklogo.com.gif
  20. The key is not to make it obvious to them. Being an [expletive] works more often than the whole nice guy act. Then once you have her in the bag you can be the nice guy.
  21. ECN, take a good look at that guy. He's gonna die any day with that body fat %.
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