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Everything posted by Flash

  1. lulz, the Cavs have gone from: http://blog.cleveland.com/startingblocks/2009/05/large_celebrate.jpg to... http://thecryptonline.com/v3/images/stories/lebron_sad.jpg
  2. http://fantastiksports.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/skip-bayless.jpg
  3. My personal top 5: http://blogs.seattleweekly.com/reverb/TheNotoriousBIG.jpg http://mrinfouk02.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/jay-z-death-of-autotune-1.jpg http://panachereport.com/channels/hip%20hop%20gallery/images/0500_eazy_e_a.jpg http://www.gossipcheck.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/eminem.jpg http://media.timeoutchicago.com/resizeImage/htdocs/export_images/146/146.x600.music.wutang.rev.jpg?
  4. LeBron's just having a bad game. However, if he continues to struggle, you better believe the elbow will be to blame .
  5. Woah slow down there grammar police... I like the song, its pretty good. Not his best work but its decent.
  6. Yeah well, if he doesn't step in in 06 we don't win a title. Therefore, I don't give a [expletive] who's feelings he hurt in delivering a title.
  7. Its only game 2 people. We know how good Cleveland is and they can easily take one in Boston. However, if Boston wins tonight and takes both in Boston its over. I wonder if LBJ will shake hands?
  8. You call this [expletive] intellectual conversation? Get over yourself homie..
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5JxLFXSNwY
  10. This music forum is being singlehandedly ruined...
  11. LMFAO wtf was that move that LeBron didn't get called for a travel?
  12. GTFO with the Ambrosio stuff.. http://www.wallpaperbase.com/wallpapers/celebs/alessandraambrosio/alessandra_ambrosio_40.jpg
  13. Which is why is baffles how anyone could want Spo back after Doc outcoached his sorry [expletive]. Anyways, that move by Rondo was disgusting.
  14. SVG got the boot because of his inability to mesh with Shaq from what I've heard. Nobody else wanted him gone.
  15. When have we ever let our team grow and mesh together? If there's a chance to improve and add pieces right away Riley always pulls the trigger. Again, its not about what's right and wrong. Its about what's going to get us wins and potentially a ring. Do you think Spoelstra gives us a better shot to do that?
  16. Its not just the forums fanbase. Its basically the entire city.
  17. You're really giving Spoelstra too much credit. There's a reason Heat fans are overly critical of the guy and its because he's constantly bailed out by Dwyane Wade. How the hell can someone get outcoached by Doc effing Rivers? His rookie season just happened to be Wade's best season ever and there's no way I credit Spo for much of anything to be honest. The "Any other ideas?" comment ended it for me. Its not about what's fair and if he doesn't deserve to be let go. Its about winning and who gives us a better chance to do so? I'm going with Riley.
  18. The Heat in 06 had some old [expletive] players on that roster. Shaq, Zo, J-Will and Toine were all veterans.
  19. Agreed. He won't waste his time if he knows the team can't compete in the post-season.
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