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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Very cool read. Definitely seems like a down to earth guy who loves hi family. Nice job.
  2. I'm not even gonna bother.. For those of you guys that do go and look at the bracket. Post whatever pics you guys want of the girl who you think should win if you want. I won't always find the best pics so if you guys wanna post some pics then that'd be awesome.
  3. You guys can go out and find other pics of them and post them. I don't care at all. Sometimes I won't find the best pics to help from you guys would be awesome.
  4. Thanks dude. I thought it would be a cool idea to do since most of the members here are guys. Dash actually went out and contributed to this thing because 2 of the girls he sent me ended up being in the tourney.
  5. LMAO, really? Thanks for responding to my post with another personal attack rather than a response to the actual post.
  6. Saw a sneak peak on ESPN last night and it looks hilarious. Its got Steve Carell, Paul Rudd and Zack Galafawhatever from The Hangover. Anyone else catch the preview?
  7. Ok so I haven't played Poke'mon since the one that had Lugia on the cover... As much as it pains me to say this, I really might consider this because those games are beyond fun lol. I'm in shock that they haven't put out a Pokemon for the Wii yet.
  8. Maybe, instead of whining and [expletive]ing about everything you could've added some serious input which would've made it better. Rather than crying about there being no porn stars, you could've posted girls who you thought should be in the regions. But no, you just wanna [expletive] and moan about every little thing. There's plenty of people participating in it so it'll be ok whether or not you think its useful or not.
  9. Oh goodness, how will I live after that one? Anyways, I heard Will.i.am is trying to get with Cole now that her idiot husband cheated on her.
  10. I voted Miller but I think this ones gonna be super close because Underwood's got that whole girl next door thing about her.
  11. That'd be a horrible move IMO. Jackson or Frischilla is the way to go.
  12. http://topcultured.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/james.jpg
  13. Chopra with the W. /overrated? She's fuggin fire lol.
  14. Kim's got a ton of haters but that first pic is ridiculous. I think the shutout is possible.
  15. Mark Jackson. I have no idea how St. John's passed up hiring him. Jackson can get whoever he wants from NYC.
  16. Miller: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c109/diesel1920/Top%2099%20hotties/marisa_miller_1.jpg http://www.bwotd.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/marisa_miller_body_01.jpg http://thefearofcomplacency.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/marisa_miller_in_lingerie_-3075.jpg http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/swimsuit/image/2004/04_mmiller_01.jpg Underwood: http://bandbent.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/carrie_underwood300.jpg http://brideuniverse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/carrie-underwood.jpg http://www.thefabfemme.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/carrie-underwood.jpg http://hollywoodbees.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/carrie-underwood-green-bikini.jpg
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