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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Dude is always in Miami/Central Fla. IMO he really isn't putting his complete effort into this team. Its not like he has anything else to do either. He's hardly involved at all in the Jordan Brand anymore.
  2. No I'm pretty sure the most hated player posts are all honest. http://cdn3.sbnation.com/imported_assets/947266/GRIFFIN.gif
  3. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/fap.gif
  4. http://i40.tinypic.com/auxm5u.jpg
  5. Stfu and enjoy her beauty. Here, go and fap to this and let the men do their thing. http://media.nola.com/religion_impact/photo/honus-wagner-cardjpg-9327aa84b56eaa3a.jpg
  6. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmd4x6uIxI1qam4lbo1_500.gif http://kyoudai.net/THG/jen-poodle01.gif http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp212/lauridsen09/tumblr_m1prgf4c1r1r90ghqo1_250.gif http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lph9dkMCGC1qir88ko1_r1_500.gif
  7. http://www.omega-level.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Yep.-Pure-Class..gif http://x18.xanga.com/a30f906249130281297234/m224120620.gif
  8. Dwight and Melo should get much, much more hate than he does and I'll just leave it at that.
  9. Just bought some stuff on Eastbay right now, free shipping ftw: http://www.bouncewear.be/images/foto/451035060.jpg http://www.sneakerfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/5126358_z.jpeg http://www.sneakerfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/5126549_z.jpeg and 2 pairs for these for $20 http://assets.academy.com/mgen/50/10153850.jpg?is=500,500
  10. It might not be a "professional" event but the world's best athlete's are there so that whole argument is pretty pointless. And how can you not include Tiger? He's the best golfer ever, no one has dominated one sport like he has.
  11. SVG is a top 5 coach in the NBA to be honest. Dwight's being a huge bitch.
  12. In terms of overall athletic ability..LeBron or Usain Bolt. In terms of "greatness" defined by winning and dominating a sport?? Tiger Woods followed by Usain Bolt.
  13. Can more players do this so people forget about LBJ lol
  14. McAdoo is staying. Tell you what, if UNC gets Oriahki they have a great lineup next year.
  15. Yeah i think Lin made a strong case lol.
  16. So I guess these buffoons are actually American Interwebs heroes then?
  17. Yeah Beal might have raised his stock more than anyone in the tournament. He'd be crazy if he stayed but apparently Boynton coming back is a big for him in terms of coming back to school. He loves playing next to him apparently.
  18. Word is UF's core 3 of Boynton, Beal and Young are staying. Boynton said he's coming back today.
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