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Everything posted by Flash

  1. In an individual sport like golf wins and majors are what makes you the GOAT. Jones retired early so who knows what he would've become.
  2. Once Tiger wins 4 more events and 5 majors then he'll be the GOAT. The context of the question is right now who is dominating their respective sport the most. Usain Bolt without question is the most dominant ATM.
  3. Cutler is overrated IMO and I think that team finished no better than third in the division. .
  4. Bolt is already the greatest sprinter that ever lived. He's shattered both the 100 and 200m records with times people thought would never happen. Right now it's Bolt in my opinion. Phelps won 8 Olympic gold medals ECN I don't care what events he's racing in he won 8 and you can't take that away from the guy. Woods needs to start winning majors but he did win the most events on the tour this year. Roger Federer might also be involved in this discussion.
  5. Lmao that's terrible but very funny.
  6. Yeah same here. I don't understand where this hype is coming from but we'll see.
  7. Starter: Derrick Rose (5) Demar DeRozan (3) Josh Howard (4) Anthony Randolph (3) Al Jefferson (6) Bench: DJ Augustin (2) Brandan Wright (2) Jrue Holliday (2) Coach: Popavich
  8. ..You do realize LT is one of the best players to ever play the game right? MJD is nowhere near the back LT is/was.
  9. LOL @ prosecute him to the fullest extent. If his name wasn't Plaxico Burress he doesn't even get arrested in the first place.
  10. Give me Ronnie. So versatile he can run inside and outside and is a great receiver out of the backfield. Rush Yds.-wise I'll take Frank all day.
  11. The OP said Dirk and everyone is saying Kobe because its the truth. He's going to win most who's the best at something threads because well, right now he's the best player in the L.
  12. Those crazy UM guys lol. That guy gets thrown out of Heat games all the time. A real character lol
  13. You've obviously never seen the place this guy got hit.
  14. Watching him on hard knocks is gold.
  15. He definitely did not get off easy. Every legal analyst I've seen talk about it today says he got a very harsh sentence.
  16. Wade as 6'4 SG is pretty impressive.
  17. The Stallworth case is a little different though. The pedestrian he struck wasn't in the crosswalk on one of the busiest streets in Miami. The law is jjust weird though I have no idea how Plax just got 2 years.
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