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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Let me inform you: - I became a Yankee fan because my grandfather is a big Yankee fan and he happened to live in Brooklyn for a while trying to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers. - Packers were my dads team when he was little so he passed that on to me. - I'm from Miami so I've been a Cane since birth. I guess KNOW your a clueless douche as well.
  2. LOL you forgot Antoine Walker and Dorrell Wright.
  3. Mo Williams was an Al Star IIRC so that automatically makes his cast better. Z is a former AS as well.
  4. Lol my teams have had plenty of success. I don't have much to be bitter about. Yankees are in first place ATM, Packers should look to make a run at the North this year and The U keeps improving so I'm doing just fine.
  5. When you dominate the entire playoffs and almost singlehandedly win that title then yes, it does matter. You're kidding yourself if you think LeBron gets no help. If his supporting cast sucked as much as Wade's they wouldn't have won 66 games. LMAO @ not being near a playoff team. That team is definitely a playoff contender without LeBron whereas the Heat without Wade is looking at picking first in the draft. The Heat played 2 rookie, a washed up center, a role player in Haslem and a one dimensional shooter alongside Wade. The fact that we actually got the 5 seed is amazing to me.
  6. Probably the biggest epic fail of all time lol.
  7. The arrogance of New England sports fans is incredible. You guys had 8 guys IIRC on that list. Also, since when is a 3 loss getting your asses handled? Sorry that the rest of the NFL wasn't spying on other teams like you guys were.
  8. NCAA 10 has add-ons that cost more than the game itself lol.
  9. I can't stand this guy. He's like a more retarded Borat.
  10. http://www.forumammo.com/cpg/albums/userpics/10071/must_not_fap.jpg
  11. Wade. His J is getting more consistent and IMO he's a better defensive player than LeBron.
  12. Obama would be an idiot if he goes through with this. Then again, I wouldn't put it past him either.
  13. I'd love him in Green Bay. Vick was always my favorite player until he got locked up. He would add a whole other dimension to this offense when he's ready to go.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1ciMXvSE8U&feature=related
  15. That guy gets poon on comand..hes that godly.
  16. You mean Kevin Garnett? The 08 DPOY? Just because he was injured last year he's overrated now? Terrible. CP3 and Bosh is laughable and no one considers Gil a superstar anymore.
  17. http://twitpic.com/bx8ft the beginning..look who's jersey is waitn for them in mia(no 7) about 2 hours ago from TweetGenius From Mr. Wade's official Twitter.
  18. Ed Hardy tees are pretty cool IMO. I wouldn't mind having one. It can't be the cheap wack ones though. Ed Hardy tees gotta be the ones with all the cool stuff on it lol no homo. Tapout is gay but Affliction is by far the worst of all. Not only is it an emo [expletive] name for a t-shirt company but its what all these fake wannabe MMA douches on the juice like to wear on South Beach. Ed Hardy FTW. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3222/2924119587_9daaf6913f.jpg http://images.dailyradar.com/media/uploads/ballhype/story_large/2008/11/18/affliction_finger.jpg
  19. Biggest Wade fan there is and even I think Kobe's better. Wade is a better slasher and help defender but that's it. More summers with Tim Grover and he'll be right there though.
  20. Totally misinformed.. Utah has to dump Boozer's salary because they can't go over the LT. Giving them Beasley wouldn't work because of salary issues and Miami just won't give him up like that. It's Haslem and Wright most likely with Memphis being a third team.
  21. Jennings went overseas because he couldn't get into Arizona and that was the best alternative he had. If anything, going to Europe hurt his draft stock.
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