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Everything posted by Flash

  1. IMO this is dead on and I think he ends up in Brooklyn at the end of the day.
  2. IMO if you take the '12 team in its current state vs. that 92 team in its state at that time '12 wins. There's just no answer for Rose and Paul at the point and LeBron would just dominate anyone who guarded him at the 4. Not to mention the big guys on that 92 team hadn't really hit their peak yet whereas Dwight is right in the middle of his prime.
  3. How is it not close? You do realize the Dream Team had flaws right? Their domination was just as much a result of the weak competition as it was their talent.
  4. Flash


    I'd say Love Hard is probably my favorite track on the album.
  5. Lol fish it wasn't meant as a shit talking post. I just came across that recent pic and decided to post it. At least Beaz was with a chick though getting hammered. Love that guy.
  6. Flash


    Album just dropped at midnight. Took a listen and I thought it was very well done. If you do give it a listen go into it with an open mind because there's 0 rap on it and a lot of drums and electric guitar mixed in with some solid production by Dot. Reminds me a lot of when Yeezy dropped 808's. Off the bat the reviews will be mixed but over time people will appreciate it.
  7. Hey Blake...your dunk last year was trash.
  8. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  9. So I guess the Lakers writer who was just on Sportscenter was lying? Right.
  10. Leave it to the genius known as Zeke http://instinctmagazine.com/images/stories/thumbs/L2hvbWUvaW5zdGluY3RtYWdhemluZS9wdWJsaWNfaHRtbC9pbWFnZXMvc3Rvcmllcy9ibG9ncy9qaGlnYmVlLzFpc2lhaDIuanBn.jpg
  11. The Lakers confirmed that Kobe showed no signs of a concussion. And no, Wade didn't need to tell me...Sportscenter did about 2 minutes ago.
  12. Its one thing to be the guy who messed up late and now has to face a mountain of criticism over an all star game and its another being the fan watching in on TV who could only dream of having 1/3 of the talent anyone out on that court had.
  13. Oh btw, Kobe's "possible career threatening" concussion is a complete lie. Thought it'd be worth noting.
  14. Maybe he is scared to fail, I'm not sure I'm not in his brain. But he had Kobe in his face and I'm pretty sure Durant was about to pop out to double him. So what is he to do? Take a ridiculous 28 footer at the end or throw it to an teammate he thought was open? The pass to Melo would've been a better idea in all honesty but he's playing with guys capable of hitting that shot as well so why not make the better play in that situation? Blake made a good read and the rest is history. His main fault is that he trusts his teammates TOO much. Its just the player he is. His unselfishness has become a fault apparently. He got mad because he knew he messed up and he knew what was about to happen. Shit, Craig Sager was sitting there waiting for him before he even got to sit down. The guy is the easiest target in sports history and literally can do nothing right in some people's eyes. All because he's 27 and hasn't won a ring and over a nickname that was given to him. He's the one on the court and who has to deal with people telling him how un clutch he is and what a piece of shit he is. Its only a convenient situation like this one where fans now take the ASG as serious as the playoffs.
  15. I don't think anyone is saying he's the epitome of clutch. Its well known he's struggled with potential game winning shots but his clutch failures are the most overblown thing in sports. I'm pretty sure Nitro has gone on here an written quality posts proving just how "clutch" he is. First off, what does that even mean? That he expected his team to win the game? The guy was having fun out there. Do you realize you're hating on a guy for having fun at the all star game? Has any other player in history been criticized for that? Let's get on Kobe for missing a free throw or Blake for missing a free throw. Shit, blame Wade for blowing a wide open pass like that. But not the guy who brought that team back down from double digits hitting ridiculous shot after ridiculous shot and making it look effortless at some points. And no, this is not Cleveland. This fanbase held him and the entire team accountable for that FAIL we pulled in the Finals.
  16. Pretty sure I saw a few other non-Laker fans in this thread agreeing with us ridiculous Heat fans. But hey, lets just disregard the facts and hate Wade for an accident. Be honest, if Wade hadn't accidentally gotten Kobe across the head this would just be any other hard foul and no one would've cared.
  17. You that if any other player on the floor, whether it be Roy Hibbert or Kobe, turned the ball over on that play it'd be a non story even with the loss but that fact that it was LeBron, it just shows us how un-clutch he is when in reality the guy was absolute money in the 4th quarter and quite frankly was the only reason the game was even close at the end. And lol @ criticizing him for smiling and enjoying the all star game. Even the god Bean was smiling even after his nose was broken. Quit acting like its some [expletive]ing crime to enjoy yourself at the all star game. It isn't the playoffs. Its the reality of how fans view him I guess but its absolutely unfair to criticize the guy for an All Star Game that has 0 impact on how the season will play out.
  18. http://www.primerahora.com/XStatic/primerahora/images/espanol/20100407_accionbal_2444351.jpg His belly says hai http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif
  19. If he does retire I think he's back on a team within a year.
  20. Is that 1/13 Dwight's 3 point shooting? [expletive]ing loser couldn't even get in the post and was useless last night. Guy played like a complete idiot out there even when it got close. Either way, its funny how now the ASG all of a sudden matters because LBJ made one mistake lol.
  21. Not even because it was an accident that he broke his nose. If Wade's nose was broken by accident wtf are we gonna do? We see fouls like this on a nightly basis in the NBA obviously this one accidentally resulted in the injury to Kobe but the wrap up foul is a nightly thing. The people on here probably care more than Kobe does which is [expletive]ing sad. And lulz ECN's Wade hate.
  22. SRV pretty much nailed it and thats what any neutral, non heat hater/kobe stan fan would tell you.
  23. Its one thing to smile and enjoy the moment when you're being introduced as an all star and its another to be disappointed after [expletive]ing up the 2nd to last possession for your team. I didn't try and make this about LBJ..that was done by others before me. I was just pointing out something about Rose.
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